Team Leader Interview Questions and Answers

Team Leader interview questions - These Team Leader questions have been designed to help you improve your skills to face interview questions. All freshers and experienced will be highly benefited by these questions.


  • These are comprehensive questions with answers. Those who are looking for change for a team lead role, will find very helpful. Good answers for preparation, you will find yourself confident while facing interview - Meena Agarwal - (04 Dec 2020)

  • We have covered here Team Lead interview questions and answers:

    1. What are the roles and responsibilities of a Team Leader?
    2. What are the qualities required to be a successful team leader?
    3. What is the importance of discipline and integrity in this role?
    4. What would you do within first 4 weeks of being the new team leader?
    5. How would you deal with an under performing team member?
    6. How would you keep your team motivated?
    7. How do you manage a conflict between your team members?
    8. How do you evaluate your team's performance?
    - Neeraj Jha - (21 Feb 2020)