Classification of instruction operations - 8086
Briefly explain how instruction operations in 8086 can be classified.
The arithmetic operations in the 8086 can be categorized as follows:
- Data transfer instructions: These types of instructions involve transfer data using commands such as MOV etc.
- Arithmetic instructions: As their name suggest these instructions are used to perform arithmetic operations for ex. ADD, SUB etc.
- Logic instructions: Performs special logical gate operations ex NOT OPR etc.
- Shift instructions: Used for shift operations in special conditions ex. SHL, SHR.
- Rotate instructions: They are used to rotate left, right ex. ROL, ROR.
- Flag control instructions: They are used to configure the various flags such as: STC, CLC, CMC, STD etc.
- Compare instructions: As their name suggests they are used to perform compare operations
- Jump instructions: Used to perform the Jump Operations
- Subroutines and subroutine handling instructions: Primarily are used for interrupt handlings ex. IRET, INT etc.
- Loop and loop handling instructions: Used to handle loop operations
- Strings and string handling instructions: Performed solely on strings.