Explain briefly in steps what happens when an interrupt occurs - 8086

Explain briefly in steps what happens when an interrupt occurs.

The following steps occur when an interrupt occurs ( both for hardware and software )

- First thing the contents of the flag register the CS and IP are pushed into the stack.

- To disable the single steps and INTR interrupts the TF and IF are cleared.

- The program then jumps to the beginning or starting address of the ISS.

- When the IRET gets executed in the last line ( this occurs at the end of the ISS) the CS and IP flag contents are popped from the stack and placed in the appropriate registers.

- Once all the flags are restored to their original condition the IF and TF are also restored to their previous values.
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  • RE: Explain briefly in steps what happens when an interrupt occurs - 8086 -probity (11/10/14)