What are the features involved in FORTRAN 2008?

What are the features involved in FORTRAN 2008?

- FORTRAN 2008 was the release after FORTRAN 2003 and it has minor upgrades that included the clarifications and the corrections of including the capability.

- It included the sub-modules with the structured programming and a parallel execution model that will allow code to be simpler to execute and written.

- Use of DO CONCURRENT construct that is used for the loop iterations with no interdependencies and any restrictions.

- BLOCK construct is used that consists of the objects and construct declarations with the scope defined.

- Recursive functions and allocated components with the help of recursive pointers used in derived types.
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  • RE: What are the features involved in FORTRAN 2008? -adenike (02/08/13)
  • pls i need help on (1)program to solve herons formula.
    (2)given a set of 5 integer value sort the number in ascending, descending order and also find the largest and second largest number in the set.