What are the steps involved after the disk manager passes the request? - Teradata

What are the steps involved after the disk manager passes the request?

The steps involved after the disk manager passes the request are as follows:

- File system that is used in Teradata returns the data that is requested by the database manger.

- Database manager uses the dispatcher to dispatch the messages back. It sends a message to the requesting user as well.

- BYNET is also known as single-node system uses the sorted response and returns to the requesting interface engine that is used for packaging system.

- Dispatcher is used to respond to the messages that are being sent by the clients and then it routes the communication channel driver to the requesting client.

- TDP receives the information and unpack the packed response messages and provide them to CLI.

- CLI passes the messages to the application that has requested it in the form of blocks and then the application respond back to the client with the data in the form of relational tables.
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