Explain about the photoshop Work Area?

Explain about the photoshop Work Area?

- Photoshop work area consists of Application Bar, Tools Panel, Options Bar, Document Window and Panel Dock.

- Application Bar : It contains menu bar along with many controls to zoom, buttons for viewing extras.

- Tools Panel : It contains a set of tools for selecting, manipulating images.

- Options Bar : There are various options available.

- Document Window: It displays the current working file.

- Panel Dock : Panel dock has several panels to edit / modify the images. By default there are layer, adjustment and style panels.
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  • RE: Explain about the photoshop Work Area? -Kapil Varshney (09/03/14)
  • Photoshop work area consists of Application Bar, Tools Panel, Options Bar, Document Window and Panel Dock. - Application Bar : It contains menu Bar along with many controls to zoom, buttons for viewing extras. - Tools Panel : It contains a set of Tools for selecting, manipulating images. - Options Bar : There are various Options available. - Document Window: It displays the current working file. - Panel Dock : Panel Dock has several panels to edit / modify the images. By default There are layer