7 Golden rules to ace your HR Interview
An HR interview is not a mere formality. It is a test of your communication skills and capabilities. In the competitive market scenario, an HR interview can make or break your chances of being selected by a top rung company.
With so many options to make a choice from, and few differences in technical skills of freshers, it is the HR interview which is the deciding factor in the selection of the right candidate/ Technical skills form the core of effective functioning, but soft skills are critically important for the knowledge to make the right impact. Both are equally important in the selection process. So, here are 7 golden rules that you can follow, to crack the HR interview and impress the dream company you were always wanting to work for.
#1 Communication Beyond Language: Understand the Importance of Active Listening Many people think that communication skills are all about the accent, tone, inflection and vocabulary, but there's a whole lot more to communicating effectively in the HR interview. Actively listening and responding to what the interviewer is asking is important. Never interrupt a question or answer before the question completes. Understand the context and meaning of the question rather than attempting to answer it inadequately. Communicating effectively also means asking questions no matter how inconsequential they may seem. Answering concisely, clearly and in the right words can make a difference to the selection process.
#2 The Body Language: Maintain an Alert and Friendly Posture It is common to feel intimidated by the environment. But you need to watch out for this. Remember that the interview is not a judgement. It is merely a conversation with the purpose of assessing your suitability for the job. Sit straight and in a comfortable posture. Maintain eye contact and keep a pleasant and smiling expression to show an interest in the proceedings. Answer with clarity and loudness so that the interview hears you well. A pleasant, well modulated yet clear voice can work wonders.
#3 Compatibility: Showing Flexibility Counts Each company has a working culture which is different. You need to be prepared for questions that are not expected too. Freshers need to be flexible enough to adjust to the company's work environment. The aim here should be to showcase your adjustability rather than looking for a comfort zone. Rather than overreacting or saying extreme things, you need to stay neutral. This is an important indication of just how ethical yet adjustable you are.
#4 Learnability: Efficient and Quick Adaptability Works Wonders The strength of choosing a fresher is his or her ability to manage different operations, whether it is an expansion plan, a product development or an existing delivery process. Learning a new technology, culture or lifestyle can make a big difference to the organisation, so you need to show you have the capacity to learn and grow with the organisation. The indirect questions are often the most revealing, so think carefully before answering on academics, project work, challenges and trainings.
#5 Know Thyself Knowing yourself is more than just a Socratic saying. It is a way of presenting yourself based on understanding your core strengths and weaknesses. Remember, there is no single right answer for all the questions. Each answer varies based on the candidate and the company. Knowing yourself is very important for laying the tone and direction for the interview. Only if you are comfortable with yourself can you make a good impression on others.
#6 Keep Up To Date Another important point is that you need to stay updated with all the different aspects of your academic and non-academic interests and achievements. Talking about your success in sports or college committees can reveal another facet about yourself which the interviewer may find exceedingly interesting. Points you make should be complemented by acts. For example, talking about your interest in cricket means you should know who is the top ranking batsmen in the ICC ODI ratings.
#7 Know the Business Be clear about the company you are interviewing for. This can influence your responses in the right direction. For example, if the company is a tourism services, you may want to elaborate on your travelling, trekking and hiking interests. Representation specific to the company's needs based on understanding which of your skill sets can help you relate better to the organisational culture, can work wonders.
Concluding Thoughts Finally, asking for questions or feedback at the close of the interview is a necessity, not an option. This shows you are interested in making a right impression and care for the interviewer's opinion. Always ask questions because it shows the willingness to look beyond usual angles and learn more, if given the opportunity to do so. HR interviews are more than just Q&A sessions– they are an important test of your personality and aptitude for the job. So, don't overlook the importance of answering well, and securing an important milestone in your corporate career.