A bit of anarchy is good for Indian politics.

A bit of anarchy is good for Indian politics.

India has never followed anarchism in routine and formal manner. But there are many instances in the history proving that Anarchism if utilized rightly can be good for society. The discussion over Anarchism started again when Arvind Kejriwal, the AAP leader declared himself as an Anarchist. Do you support Anarchism? Do you agree that a bit of anarchy is good for politics?


• Anarchists are ever ready to fight against the wrong going in society. It does not matter what the severity of the problem is, they just know to take a stand against wrong.

• There is no requirement of states if people start governing themselves. State cannot fulfill the basic needs of people and can just force the local masses to follow laws and pay taxes.

• Democracy in any country is expected to represent people. But it never happens. The politicians fail to fulfill the promises and works for their own personal interests.

• The people in power make use of states to create the conflicts and violence that does no good to common people.

• State makes inappropriate use of resources to force the community action in the society.

• Gandhi Ji, Bhagat Singh made use of anarchism for the development of people and society.


• The protests done for a better cause start losing their meaning. It can distort the message and the underlying cause for which protest is done.

• The state and the laws formed by it provide security to the people. Removal of states will lead to enhanced criminal activities.

• Difference in opinions will always be there. It is where democracy works. It takes a decision for the betterment of complete society.

• Look back in the past and find many instances where states intervened in the ongoing wars to stop the violence.

• Community actions require state supports to work in a well organized manner. There are many functions that are performed by state, and in true sense the society needs them.


Anarchism is a good thought but it doesn’t imply that it should be implemented in India to make a stateless society. It is fair to use anarchism as and when the condition demands, but implementation of anarchism can lead to a complete disorganized society.
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  • RE: A bit of anarchy is good for Indian politics. -Deepa Kaushik (04/29/14)
  • India is a democratic nation. Including anarchy in any form is unacceptable. Politics in India is already highly corrupt. We can hardly find any actual legal proceedings in the Indian politics. Our judicial system is another havoc, which is fully used by our politicians.

    Almost every politician in our country has a unclear judicial background, whose case keeps pending and will keep on the same track till their natural death. With such a system prevailing, the corruption has already spread anarchism under the cover of democracy.

    Providing a legal authority for the anarchy to our politicians is like digging pit for ourselves. Many politicians think of the state CM power to be their family property, leaving their wife and kids on power controlling from the background. This is yet another form of anarchism.

    People are indirectly dominated by the ‘gundas’ of the powered politicians. Such a governance is already out of the democratic form. We need to sort these critical issues and try to get India back to its democratic form; instead of starting up with the anarchy in to the nation.