Aanehi Mundra shares preparation strategy for IAS Prelims

Hi Aanehi,
Welcome to CareerRide.com and congratulations on clearing the prelims to UPSC 2014.
Can you please tell our readers something about your educational background?I have done Bachelors in Engineering in Information Technology and then I completed Masters in International Relations from JNU. Presently, I am pursuing M Phil in South Asian Studies from JNU.
Which attempt of prelims was this for you?This was my fourth attempt.
How did you prepare for the exams along with your PG?It is pretty difficult to manage two things simultaneously. But when there is a will there is a way. So, I used to work regularly after my classes were done. Since I recently entered MPhil, I had a break of two months, which helped me immensely to prepare for my prelims.
Which is the toughest section of the paper according to you? How did you prepare for it?I find Comprehension to be the toughest section, because of the subjectivity it holds in answers. And in the small time span, it is difficult to manage your concentration and nervousness. I used to solve papers regularly which I used to time like the real exam, as in mock tests. This preparation helped me in facing my prelims more effectively.
Some candidates are concerned about English being a part of the prelims paper. What advise would you give to them for the preparation?They have removed questions on English, from this year, so I do not see any problem about the same, as of now.
What do you think are the most important things a candidate should bear in mind while preparing?“Perseverance” is the most important ingredient of success. You need to keep in mind the uncertainty of this exam. You will have to keep going on, irrespective of the results. And there will be many ups and downs, but the one who keeps going on, wins the race. Also, UPSC is not your life, it is a part of your life, treat it same.
What things should a candidate remember while writing the prelims paper?Time is a virtue, when it comes to the competitive exams. You always need to keep a check on it in paper 2. Attempt more number of questions, as it increases your chances of clearing the exam, although be sure that they should not come out as negatives. Make a strategy to answer them. You may not know the answer to a question, so try the other way round, i. e. eliminate the wrong options and find the correct solution. Apply reverse engineering.
Would you advise our young aspirants to join some coaching classes or study on their own for the prelims?I do suggest coaching classes, they help one chalk out a rationalized path. Else, you would be beating around the bush to get on to the correct path. If you can afford coaching, go for one. It is a light house, your ship needs to sail on your own caliber. Ultimately, it is your hard work, which matters the most.
Are there any particular resources that you would like to recommend to UPSC aspirants to clear this first step?The general books everyone knows work well. I would advise, read one book 10 times, than doing otherwise.
Did CareerRide.com help you with the preparations? How?Yes, it surely did. My current affairs section was updated all from CareerRide website and one current affairs magazine.
Would you like to give any tips to our young aspirants to help them prepare for the prelims?Read widely for General Studies paper 1, anything under the sun can be asked. And practice a lot for paper 2, that is a must for clearing the exam.
How is your preparation going on for the mains?It is going on, but the situation is tight. As the result came recently and there is very less time left to prepare for mains. Have to pick important from the vast ocean of knowledge.
Okay, Aanehi. Thank you very much for your time! We wish you all the best for your UPSC mains.