AI Arms Race: Perspective
AI Arms Race: Perspective
Question: The AI arms race is steadily building up. Comment.
- Weaponised artificial intelligence or real life terminator machines are the reason why the AI arms race is slowly picking up
- Intelligent robots are advanced so much so that scientists and thinkers including Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk have called for an end to arms race in weaponised AI
- Weaponised AI arms race has been viewed as the third warfare revolution
- This is a revolution following gunpowder and nuclear arms
- Drones controlled by non state actors or those who make judgement calls are very different
- Autonomous weapons select and engage targets without any human supervision
- Pre-established criteria are used for killing but they cannot assess the distinction and proportionality which are the bedrock of laws of war
- Once these lethal weapons are in use, they cannot be reversed and unlike nuclear weapons, they will easily be manufactured on a large scale
- Procurement of raw materials for construction of these AI machines is not easy
- Lethal robotics can spur the chemical and biological warfare
- Governments under the UN auspices, about lethal autonomous weapons in 1995 and cluster bombs since 2006
- India must ban research into weaponised AI to avoid getting caught in the arms race
- Killer robots are s subject of much discussion and the UN is considering ban on specific kinds of autonomous weapons
- Experts are also calling for specific ban on use of AI to manage weapons beyond meaningful human control
- AI researchers also do not want their field tarnished
- Future of technology needs to become more human, Stephen Hawking has asserted
- Humans undergoing slow biological evolution cannot compete with AI
- On the plus side, computation has achieved a lot more for socioeconomics in apps such as health
- Whether these machines can outwit man remains the moot question
Facts and Stats
- As inputs to AI progress, AI funding, quality-adjusted researcher years, and computing power are more relevant than calendar years of research.
- AI research constitutes about 10% of the research being done in the field of Computer Science
- Famous prizes for AI research include ACM Turing Award, Nevanlinna Prize and more