Air Pollution: A Growing Concern for Asia

Air Pollution: A Growing Concern for Asia

Asian nations such as India and China are now experiencing changes in weather patterns and are acknowledged to be at maximum risk of facing drastic effects of rising air pollution levels. Scientists and researchers have found that pollutants are contributing to the development of strong storms above the Pacific Ocean. This is going to impact weather in a big way. It feeds into the weather systems of the world and creates a hazard for the health of people across the globe.

Cal Tech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has indicated that the effects of the air pollution can be quite dramatic as time passes. Pollution will cause thicker clouds and change in the patterns of rainfall. This can impact the world in a very different way. Certain parts of Asia such as Beijing and Delhi are recorded as having unbelievably high levels of air pollution. Air pollution levels have soared above the levels recommended by WHO.

This is an issue for concern.

Those who espouse the cause of ecological conservation must take up this issue. Rising air pollution levels threaten the well-being of people from all over the world. This menace will have the most damaging repercussions for Asia. During the winter months, air pollution will have especially negative impact especially regions that are within the downstream such as the US.

The impact of the Asian pollution has massive consequences for the rest of the world. Air pollution which is resulting from excessive consumption of fossil fuel has the capacity to impact the health of Asians in an adverse manner. Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma are on the rise due to the ejection of poisonous gases into the atmosphere.

A UN health agency has estimated that close to 7 million deaths were caused in 2012 due to air pollution. The World Health Organization has issued an alert that air pollution is the biggest environmental health problem right now. New research done by the WHO has found that nearly 1 in 8 deaths in 2012 were caused by air pollution. Diseases such as lung cancer and pulmonary disorders are on the rise due to air pollution. The most severely impacted regions in the world are the South East Asian countries such as Indonesia and India, according to the WHO. Western Pacific regions such as China, South Korea, Philippines and Japan are also facing health hazards due to rising air pollution levels, according to the organization. Many researchers make a distinction between indoor and outdoor pollution. This causes an overlap in the number of deaths due to air pollution.

Therefore, a combined figure is needed to arrive at the correct estimate regarding air pollution and its poisonous effects. The number of deaths due to air pollution is on the rise in recent times. In 2008, WHO estimated that the deaths due to indoor pollution were 1.9 million and 1.3 million for outdoor pollution. The rise in the number of people due to air pollution is based on factors such as increased combustion of fossil fuels and vehicular emissions.

The health risks of rising air pollution are creating a major problem for people worldwide. The risks from this menace are far greater than was previously estimated. Heart diseases are also on the rise due to air pollution. It is now easier to estimate the risks due to air pollution now due to access to data through satellite imagery. It can be used to assess rural pollution and new knowledge about the potential impact of this catastrophic contamination of the earth’s atmosphere.

Humans have always strived to make the world a better place through initiatives for law enforcement and social welfare. Anti-pollution policies and programs must now take precedence so that people can gain a better quality of life. This is only possible if industries and consumers realize that fossil fuels are not a good source of energy. It is far better to tap natural, renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power. The capacity of the sun to support life is nothing new. It can help us to evolve to a better phase of life where we have purer, cleaner air and much better health.
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