Consider a piston cylinder arrangement with gas filled in cylinder. If the piston moves from position 1 to position 2 as shown in figure with volume changes from v1 to v2, the amount of work W by the system will be,

v1 ∫
v2 p dV
v1 ∫
v2 p V
v1 ∫
v2 v dp
d. none of the above
Correct Answer : a.
v1 ∫
v2 p dV
Explanation :Initially at position 1, let the pressure and volume be p
1 and V
1 respectively. The piston is the only boundary which moves with gas pressure. Let the piston move out to a new final position 2. The pressure and volume will be p
2 and V
2 respectively. At any intermediate point let the pressure be p and volume be V. These macroscopic properties are significant for equilibrium state. When the piston moves as infinitesimal distance
dl, and area of the piston is
'a', the force
F acting on the piston
F = p*a and the infinitesimal amount of work done by the gas will be,
dW = F * dl = padl = pdVwhere
dV= adlTherefore, total work done
W by the piston when it moves out from position 1 to position 2 will be,
W = v1 ∫ v2 p dV