Analyzing Consumer Markets - MCQs with answers - Part 4

Analyzing Consumer Markets - MCQs with answers - Part 4

Motivation Theories

1.________needs arises from physiological states of tension such as hunger, thirst or discomfort.

a) Psychogenic
b) Biogenic
c) Physiogenic
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) Biogenic

2. As per ____________, the psychological forces shaping people’s behavior are largely unconscious.

a) Freud’s theory
b) Maslow’s theory
c) Herzberg’s theory
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Freud’s theory

3. As per _________, human needs are arranged in hierarchy from most to least pressing.

a) Freud’s theory
b) Herzberg’s theory
c) Maslow’s theory
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: c) Maslow’s theory

4. As per, ____________the absence of dissatisfiers is not enough to motivate a purchase, satisfiers must be present.

a) Freud’s theory
b) Maslow’s theory
c) Herzberg’s theory
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: c) Herzberg’s theory

5. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, recognition and status falls under

a) Esteem needs
b) Self-actualization needs
c) Social needs
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Esteem needs

6. in marketing,

a) Perceptions are more important than reality.
b) Reality is more important than perception
c) Anything can be true
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Perceptions are more important than reality

7. Which statement is true?

a) Perception depends on physical stimuli
b) Perception doesn’t depends on physical stimuli
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Perception depends on physical stimuli

8. People can emerge with different perceptions of the same object because of

a) Selective attention
b) Selective distortion
c) Selective retention
d) All of the above

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ANSWER: d) All of the above

9. _________ means that marketers must work hard to attract customers notice.

a) Selective attention
b) Selective distortion
c) Selective retention
d) All of the above

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ANSWER: a) Selective attention

10. ____________ is the tendency to interpret information in a way that fits our perception.

a) Selective attention
b) Selective distortion
c) Selective retention
d) All of the above

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ANSWER: b) Selective distortion

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