Application software - computer awareness questions - 2

Application software - computer awareness questions - 2

Q1. What will you use if you want to keep track of addresses, phone numbers, parent/guardian names, class attendance, average and grades? Every so often you want to send reports home that select failing grades and excessive absences.

1. Access
2. Excel
3. PowerPoint
4. Word

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ANSWER: Access

Q2. What is the basic unit of worksheet into which you enter data in excel called?

1. Range
2. Cell
3. Tab
4. Box

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Q3. The option which can be used to create charts in excel is

1. Pie chart
2. Bar chart
3. Chart wizard
4. Pivot table

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ANSWER: Chart wizard

Q4. Who is the specialist incharge of the database of an organization?

2. Database management
3. Database administrator
4. None of the above

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ANSWER: Database administrator

Q5. In a presentation, the transition effects for all slides can be best viewed by using

1. Outline view
2. Notes page view
3. Slide sorter view
4. Slide view

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ANSWER: Slide sorter view

Q6. The tool that enables you to add text to a slide without using the standard placeholders is

1. Auto shapes tool
2. Line tool
3. Drawing tool
4. Text tool box

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ANSWER: Text tool box

Q7. To input data into database the devices that can be used is

1. Mouse
2. Keyboard
3. Touch screen
4. All of the above

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ANSWER: All of the above

Q8. Which of the following is an additional set of commands that the computer displays afte you make a selection from the main menu?

1. Submenu
2. Menu selection
3. Dialog box
4. All of the above

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ANSWER: Submenu

Q9. In a presentation, the font size of text for all the notes in notes master view can be modified by

1. Modifying the slide design
2. Modifying the text within the body placeholder
3. Modifying the notes master layout
4. All of the above

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ANSWER: Modifying the text within the body placeholder

Q10. In a database a treelike structure of records is called

1. Multidimensional database structure
2. Sequential database structure
3. Hierarchical database structure
4. Relational database structure

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ANSWER: Hierarchical database structure

Q11. What do you mean by cell address A$4 in a formula?

1. Absolute cell reference
2. Mixed cell reference
3. Relative cell reference
4. None of the above

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ANSWER: Mixed cell reference

Q12. Where is the taskbar located?

1. On the start menu
2. At the top of the screen
3. On the quick launch toolbar
4. At the button of the screen

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ANSWER: At the button of the screen

Q13. For indexing the statement which is not valid is

1. It stores the corresponding record number
2. It maintains the alphabetically order
3. It duplicates the database file
4. It stores the index fields

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ANSWER: It duplicates the database file

Q14. Which one of the following options is correct to create uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides?

1. Edit the slide master
2. Use the autocorrect wizard
3. Create a template
4. All of the above.

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ANSWER: Edit the slide master

Q15. In word how would you force a page break?

1. By positioning cursor at appropriate place and pressing F1 key
2. By positioning cursor at appropriate place and pressing ctrl + enter
3. By changing font size of the document
4. By using the insert/section break

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ANSWER: By using the insert/section break

Q16. The term used for creating, editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and printing a text document is

1. Database management
2. Web design
3. Presentation generation
4. Word processing

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ANSWER: Database management

Q17. What do you mean by cell address $A4 in a formula?

1. Absolute cell reference
2. Mixed cell reference
3. Relative cell reference
4. None of the above

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ANSWER: Mixed cell reference

Q18. Speaker note pages that show slides, related notes and your company logo on each page can be created by

1. Editing the handout master to include your company logo and one slide per page with additional note space.
2. Editing the notes master and add your company logo
3. Editing the slide master and insert your company logo and note space.
4. All of the above

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ANSWER: Editing the handout master to include your company logo and one slide per page with additional note space.

Q19. When is the enter key pressed when entering text within a document?

1. At the end of every word
2. At the end of every sentence
3. At the end of every line
4. At the end of every paragraph

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ANSWER: At the end of every paragraph

Q20. In excel, how would you bring together copies of workbooks that other users have worked on independently?

1. Compiling
2. Merging
3. Copying
4. Pasting

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ANSWER: Merging

Q21. Each slide of a power point presentation can be displayed as a thumbnail and is useful for rearranging slides using

1. Notes page
2. Slide sorter
3. Slide master
4. Slide show

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ANSWER: Slide sorter

Q22. The header and footer button in power point can be found on the insert tab in

1. Tables group
2. Text group
3. Illustration group
4. Object group

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ANSWER: Text group

Q23. Other than the cell where can the cell entry be edited?

1. Formula bar
2. Function bar
3. Edit menu
4. Menu bar

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ANSWER: Formula bar

Q24. What do you mean by cell address A4 in a formula?

1. Absolute cell reference
2. Mixed cell reference
3. Relative cell reference
4. None of the above

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ANSWER: Relative cell reference

Q65. We can plot only one data series in the

1. Column chart
2. Pie chart
3. Line chart
4. Bar chart

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ANSWER: Pie chart

Q26. How will you select the entire worksheet?

1. Ctrl + shift
2. Ctrl + X
3. Ctrl + W
4. Ctrl + A

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ANSWER: Ctrl + A

Q27. What is the shortcut key to open a new file in MS-Word?

1. Ctrl + N
2. Ctrl + A
3. Ctrl + F
4. Ctrl + S

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ANSWER: Ctrl + N

Q28. The sign that is used for creating an absolute cell reference is

1. #
2. $
3. @
4. %

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Q29. What is the letter and number of the intersecting column and row called?

1. Cell address
2. Cell location
3. Cell contents
4. Cell position

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ANSWER: Cell address

Q30. When an excel worksheet is saved, then the default extension of this is

1. .XML
2. .XLL
3. .XIS
4. .XLS

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  • RE: Application software - computer awareness questions - 2 -kamlesh (07/14/15)
  • Q.4 and is databse admi
  • RE: Application software - computer awareness questions - 2 -nid (05/27/15)
  • Ans of 19th shld be option 4
  • RE: Application software - computer awareness questions - 2 -nid (05/27/15)
  • Ans of 21st question should be slide sorter.