Aptitude model placement papers with solution - set 8

Aptitude model placement papers with solution - set 8

Q1. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 12 and 24 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are used together, how long will it take to fill the tank?

A. 9 min
B. 8 min
C. 4 min
D. 6 min
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ANSWER: B. 8 min

Solution: Tank can be filled by pipe A in 12 minutes and pipe B in 24minutes.

=> Part filled by A in 1 minute= 1/12

=> Part filled by B in 1 minute= 1/24

=> Part filled by both in 1 minute= 1/12 + 1/24

= 3/24=1/8

Time taken to fill the entire tank = 8 minutes

Q2. Solve the given equation for x:

(a/b) x-2 = (b/a) x-7
A. 3
B. 3.5
C. 4
D. 4.5
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ANSWER: D. 4.5


Use the formula, an= 1/a-n
(a/b) x-2=(b/a) x-7
(a/b) x-2=(a/b) -(x-7)

=> X-2 = - (x-7)

=> X-2 = -X +7

=> 2X = 9

=> X = 9/

=> X = 4.5

Thus, value of X is 4.5

Q3. What is the CP of Rs 100 stock at 4 discount, with 1/5% brokerage?

A. 99.6
B. 96.2
C. 97.5
D. 98.25
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ANSWER: B. 96.2

Use the formula,
CP= 100 – discount + brokerage%
CP= 100-4+1/5

Thus the CP is Rs 96.2.

Q4. 1 quarter Kg of potatoes cost 60 paise. Calculate the cost of 200 grams.

A. 48 paise
B. 62 paise
C. 54 paise
D. 26 paise
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ANSWER: A. 48 paise


Let 200 gm potato cost X paise

According to question,
Cost of ¼ Kg potato = 60 Paise

=> Cost of 250 gm potato = 60 Paise

=> 1 Kg = 1000 gm

=> 1/4 Kg = 1000/4 gm = 250 gm

By direct proportion, more quantity, more cost
200 grams : 250 grams = X : 60

=> 200*60 = 250 X

=> 12000 = 250 X

=> X = 48

=> Thus, the cost of 200 grams is 48 paise.



A. 29
B. 17
C. 11
D. 1
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All the given numbers are prime numbers.

1 is not a prime number because it is divisible by only one factor that is 1.

Q6. Find the missing number in the series.

2 , 3 , 6 , 0 , 10, -3 , 14...

A. 6
B. 2
C. -2
D. -6
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There are two series in the question

1. Add 4 : 2+3 = 6, 6+4 = 10
2. Subtract 3 : 3-3 = 0, 0-3 - -3

Thus, following the series:
-3-3 = -6

Q7. How should we mix two rice packets to get one 1kg packet priced at Rs 8 when the prices of 1 kg packets of the two types are Rs 7.1 and Rs 9.2.

A. 4:3
B. 3:4
C. 4:5
D. 5:4
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ANSWER: A. 4:3

Q8. A dice is rolled twice. What is the probability of getting sum 9?

A. 2/3
B. 1/3
C. 1/9
D. 3/9
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ANSWER: C. 1/9


Possible event = 6*6 = 36

Favourable outcomes= {(3, 6), {4, 5}, {5, 4}, (6, 3)}

Thus probability; favourable/total
= 4/36

=> 1/9

Q9. When height of a tree is equal to the length of its shadow, what is the angle of elevation of the sun?

A. 30 deg
B. 60 deg
C. 90 deg
D. 45 deg
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ANSWER: D. 45 deg

Q10. Simplify

(723+1992)2-(723-1992) 2 / (723×1992)

A. 4
B. 33
C. 6
D. 1
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Use the formula

(a+b) 2=a2+2ab+b2
(a-b) 2=a2-2ab+b2

Solving, a2+b2+2ab- (a2+b2-2ab) / ab

=> a2+b2+2ab-a2-b2+2ab/ab

=> 4ab/ab

=> 4

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