Aren’t you overqualified for this position?

Aren’t you overqualified for this position?

With this question, the employer is trying to gauge if he can expect a long-term commitment. It is entirely on you to mould you answer in such a way that would erode doubt from his mind. Anything you can say to demonstrate the sincerity of your commitment to the employer and reassure him that you’re looking to stay for the long-term will help you overcome this objection.
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  • RE: Aren’t you overqualified for this position? -Farhana Afreen (07/06/15)
  • The answer must depend entirely on your choice of job and the position for which you are being interviewed. If you hold more than required qualification for the job, the interviewer might have his doubts that you probably jumped at the first opportunity when you were looking for a fresh job and when you get a better/suitable one, you would leave this job. Your answer must give a few reasons why you want to take up the job and that you are dedicated towards being in the position in more years to come. Basically a win situation would be when the interviewer is assured that you are taking up the job because you like the work and the company. That's not very difficult to make belief.

    You can add that being overqualified is an advantage that you think can make you do the job better than anyone else. You know the work well, have done it and liked it so much that you want to continue doing it with this company. It's your area of expertise and your preference for a career. Simply use your qualification and experience in the field to convince the interviewer that you are not just fit for the job but the best candidate they would be getting.