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Asp.Net developer CV sample - Asp.Net developer CV formats / templates
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RE: Asp.Net developer CV sample - Asp.Net developer CV formats / templates -Rahul bhardwaj (09/17/12)
ASP.NET CV sample
Aman Wahid
Email :-
To obtain a job position in the capacity of .Net programmer, where my programming skills and abilities can be utilized by the organization to achieve excellence in the field of software development.
Experience Summary
2.7 years of software industry experience which is further divided into:
-Development and support of windows/web-based Applications.
-Primary skills Include C#,VB.NET,DB2 and Microsoft SQL ServerWell versed with .NET technologies like ASP.NET, ADO.NET and AJAX.
-End-to-end software development life cycle experience (SDLC).
-Hands on experience in database technologies like DB2 and Microsoft SQL server.
-Knowledge in WCF and WPF.
-Hands on experience in Code Analysis tool customization like Fxcop and StyleCop
Employment History
RGB Services, Software Engineer June 2009 Till Date
Education Qualifications
- B.E(Computer Science & Engineering)- 75.0%- Anna University.
Technical Skills
-Windows Family and Windows CE 5.0
-Languages : C#, VB.NET, VC++, C, C++,HTML, XML, JAVA SCRIPT, JAVA.
-Frame Work: .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5
-IDE: Microsoft visual Studio 2005, 2008.
-Database: Microsoft SQL Server, DB2.
Relevant Project Experience
1.UltraCab II Utility Program
Environment : .NET Frame work 2.0, Windows XP.
Technology: .NET(C#-Win forms)
-UltraCab II is an on-board Automatic Train Protection ( ATP ) system , which detects speed limit information from the track & accordingly enforces speed.
-Ultra Cab Utility Program:
-Ultra Cab Utility Program is a diagnostic tools to work with Ultra Cab II equipment.
-LogViewer:Log Viewer system is a functional development for the UCII to support viewing translated log file information after downloading from the UCII equipment.
-Translator:It translates the log file generated by UCII equipment which contains logged event.
-Program UCII:Software for UCII designed using c by embedded team is uploaded to UCII using this utility
-Downnload:Files generated by UCII are downloaded for analysis using this utility.
-TerminalDisplay:The data flow in UCII equipment are displayed on PC using this utility.
Enhancement,Design, Coding.
2. Fxcop & Style Cop Rules Customization.
.NET Frame work 2.0, Windows XP.
.NET(C#-Win forms)
-Code Analysis tool by Microsoft like Fxcop and Stylecop provides us with a set of in built rules for code analysis and review to meet coding standards.
-It also provides an option to built there own custom rules to meet the standards.
-Fxcop takes the executable program and parses through MSIL to check whether coding standards as defined in rules are met.
-Unlike Fxcop , Stylecop parses through each instruction in source code and looks for any discrepancies in standards.
-Implemented set of rules in Fxcop and Stylecop to meet the organization .NET coding standards.
-Design, Coding,Testing.
3.Automation Tool
Environment: .NET Frame work 3.5, Windows XP.
Technology: .NET(C#-Win forms)
-The tool is used to automate various tasks involved in outsourcing thereby reducing time, improving performance, accuracy and meeting client requirements on a cost effective basis.
Tasks Automated:
-For Image document processing where in the documents to be processed are in image format the application process the image gets the text from image and copies to clipboard from there again we search for a particular string and get the string value and load the values to share point .
-To copy strings from clipboard to text fields in web application.
-To copy around 12 fields from one web application(RAPID) to other application(People Soft)in single user click thereby reducing the end user effort and assuring better accuracy
-To interface with PDF documents and to automate the daily activities (i.e.) arranging PDF pages based on the waybill number in excel columns provided thereby saving 30 min per transaction per user.
-Design,Coding, Testing.
4.Timing Tool
Environment: .NET Frame work 3.5,Windows XP and DB2
Technology: .NET(C#-Win forms, ADO.NET,Linux Server)
-Timing Tool is a tool come from TVC-Time Volume Capture which is widely used in IBM BPD teams.
-The timing tool will be adapt to IT delivery operations.
-Parallel activity processing and recording the total number of days user has involved in the task the time actual spend on this activity in this duration.
-Master data information that is key to the operation of business, which often turns out to be non-transactional in nature. In timing tool, the master data includes taxonomies, Customers, and users.
-Super user and Admin user need login web pages to do master data creation before system could be used by agent users. During the daily operation, super user and admin can do change on master data, the change will be reflected on client side application when user log in client tool.
-Coding, Testing.
5. Time Volume Capture.
Environment: .NET Frame work 3.5,Windows XP and SQL
Technology: .NET(C#-Win forms, ADO.NET,ASP.NET)
-This project is used to calculate the seat utilization of IBM employees and to submit their daily activities in to a server so that the user's data is tracked and the individual performance and the team's performance is measured.
-Windows Tool (Lean tool bar): Used by employees to clock time on activity they work on .
-Tool automatically opens as soon as the user log's in to system and sits on top of desktop overriding all other applications -Tool has transparency control option thereby providing an option to see the application behind the tool as it sits on top of desktop.
Web Application: Used by managers to pull reports and to manage team.
Enhancement cum support
Involved in problem solving, testing, coding.
Personal Information
DOB: 12/May/19...
Languages Known:
RE: Asp.Net developer CV sample - Asp.Net developer CV formats / templates -Bhardwaj Rahul (09/09/12)
ASP.NET CV sample
Date of Birth: 12 J... 19..
Mob: +91-99........
Professional Summary
Over 4+ years of experience on Microsoft Technologies.
-C#,.Net 3.5, Asp.Net 3.5, ADO.NET, Ajax, SQL Server-2005
-Worked on MVC 2.0 and JQuery
-Knowledge on MVC 3.0 and ADO.NET Entity Model
-Experience of working in the complete Software development life cycle involving development, documentation, testing and maintenance.
-Flexible and versatile to adapt to any new environment, work on any project and relocate
-Worked on Reporting Tools like Action Reports, Fytek, Fusion Charts, Crystal Reports
-Proficient knowledge in HTML, Java script
-Knowledge in writing SQL Queries and T-SQL using MS-SQL Server.
-Good knowledge of Database Management, programming and Web Application.
-Good work ethics with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
-Ability to work well in both team environment and individual environment.
Work Summary
-Working as SSE in ABCInfoTech Pvt Ltd from Jan-2011 to Till Date
-Worked as SE in CBA Tech Pvt Ltd from May-10 to Dec-10
-Worked as SE in BCA from Aug-2007 to Dec-2009
-Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A) from O......... University
-Bachelor of Computers (B.Sc.) from O....... University
-Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP ID: 7502293)
Technical Skills
Microsoft Technologies : C#.Net, ADO.NET
Framework : .Net 2.0/3.5
Web Technologies : Asp.Net 2.0/3.5,Ajax,Webservices,WCF
IDE : Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008
RDBMS : MS-SQL Server 2005, Oracle, MS-Access
Reporting Tools : Active Reports, Fytek, Fusion Charts, Crystal Reports
Operating Systems : Windows-XP, Windows Server-2003
Version Control Tools : Microsoft VSS, SVN
Web Server : IIS 7.0
Project Details
Project 1#:
Project : Integrated Health Care and Information Management System (IHCIMS)
Client : MOHSS (Government of Namibia)
Technology : Asp.Net 3.5, C#.Net, Oracle 10g, Silver light, MVC 2.0, JQuery
Reporting Tools : Crystal Reports
Version Control Tool: VSS
Role : Developer
From Jan-2011 to Till Date
Integrated Health Care Information Management System is a web based application which is comprehensive enterprise-wide software, which covers all aspects of hospital management and day-to-day
operations of a hospital. Accessibility of all information is role based.
Effective management of information plays a significant role in the delivery of health care services for health care providers. Information Technology (IT) is changing the face of health care
dramatically all over the world. IT is moving from merely automating current processes to becoming the center piece of health care integration.
The system should be patient record management system with the goal of enhancing health care by lessening the workload of health workers. It ensures that complete and accurate patient records
can be shared across health institutions, so that health workers can make informed and responsible decisions
My Responsibilities:
-Designing the screen according to requirement.
-Writing the stored procedures and java scripts.
-Analysis of many customizations done.
-Reporting the status and progress of Interface related activities on regular basis to Onsite and offshore leadership.
-Testing of various customizations.
Project 2#:
Project : Clinic Management System
Technology : Asp. Net 3.5,Ajax,C#.Net.
Databases : SQL Server-2005,MySQL
Reporting Tools : Crystal Reports
Version Control Tool: SVN
Role : Developer
From May-10 to Dec-10
Clinic Management software which helps in efficient clinic management by managing Doctor's appointments, scheduling, patient registration, medical billing, Inventory, Lab Analytical reports,
Phlebotomy, Result Entry and the administrative activities. The master entries can be made in the Definition module. The definition module is used for defining Organization Details, General
Parameters such as Blood Group, Doctor's Specialization, Departments etc., Allergies, Lab Analysis Parameters, and Drugs. etc. A comprehensive patient data is collected using Patient
Registration Module Patient contact information, Patient's Doctor, Company Information, Emergency Contact information, Blood Group, Height, Weight etc. The Appointment Module consists of
scheduling the Doctor’s Appointment, Canceling the Doctor’s Appointment and remainder to the Patient by means of SMS and email. The Inventory module mainly speaks about the available stock,
list of items being purchased, purchases returns, department Indent etc .The various reports that can be taken CMS are Appointment Details, Patient Profile, Doctor Contact details,
Billing, Inventory, and Lab Analysis Reports.
My Responsibilities:
-Involved in Coding, Design and Test Phases.
-Used Java-Script extensively for performing client side validations
-Involved in writing Queries, Stored Procedures
-Used Crystal Reports to generate the reports
-Used SVN to maintain the versions of the applications
-Web forms were implemented using various server controls like Grid view, Calendar, and various validation controls
Project 3#:
Project : PathwaysToSuccess
Technology : Asp. Net 2.0/3.5,C#,Sql Server 2005, Ajax
Reporting Tools : DotnetCharting, Fytek, Fusion Charts, Fusion Widgets
SMS Gateway : Clickatell SMS Gateway
Role : Developer & Support
From March-09 to December-09
PathwaysToSuccess is a web application that is divided into 2 modules PPEPM and Pathways for Orthopedics Physicians Practice Evaluation and Performance Management (PPEPM) is a module under
PathwaysToSuccess for Physicians This is used by doctors and their sub-staff members to input their financial, marketing data and provides tools to analyze the data in a methodical manner.
Pathways for Orthopedics is a module being developed for the Orthopedics department of OHIO University under PathwaysToSuccess When the authenticated doctors uploads his/her file, the file is
encrypted and encryption key is generated and key is send to doctors mobile It contains the various calculators which let them calculate analyze their current status. The various calculators
like Buy or Lease, ROI, Breakeven…etc various kinds of reports are generated consisting of 2D & 3D diagrams
My Responsibilities:
-Involved in Coding, Design and Test Phases.
-Used java script extensively to perform Client-side validations and calculations
-Used static and dynamic themes, CSS to set style on Asp.Net pages, controls.
-Web forms were implemented using various server controls like Grid view, Calendar, and various validation controls.
-Used Ajax Controls and User Controls extensively
Project 4#:
Project : Aultman Hospital Performance Management- (AHPM)
Technology : Asp.Net2.0, C#2.0, SQLServer-2005, Ajax, Asp
Reporting Tools : Fytek, Fusion Charts
Role : Developer
From August -08 to February-09
Aultman Hospital comprises of 60 Practices and 600 Physicians located at OHIO. This web application enables them to create Month-wise, Quarter-wise, Year-wise reports describing their
financial status. Reports are generated based on the Practice locations. Reports mainly contain the details of individual practice locations RVU (Relative Value Unit), Charges, Payments,
Adjustments etc...Various kinds of reports are generated consisting of bar-diagram (2D, 3D), Column 2D, 3D, Pie diagrams, Line diagram, Scroll charts. Reports are generated in the form of
flash charts (Fusion Charts) and can be exported into PDF's
My Responsibilities:-
-Involved in Coding and Design phase.
-Have implemented the user interface and web forms part of application
-Used ASP.NET,ADO.NET,SQL-statements to develop server-side data base connections
-Used Java-script for client side validations
Personal Details
Current Location :Hyderabad
Language Known :English, Hindi, Telugu.
Permanent Address:H.No: 1234, Road no: 5, Ve.......... Colony, Nagole, Hyderabad-500....
RE: Asp.Net developer CV sample - Asp.Net developer CV formats / templates -Asp.Net developer CV (08/23/12)
Asp.Net developer CV sample
Vineet Prasad
Mobile: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
Professional Objective
To secure a challenging position where I can effectively contribute my skills as Software Professional, possessing competent Technical Skills.
Professional Summary
-Having 1+ Years of work experience in developing Client Server, Web and Desktop applications.
-Ability to learn quickly and apply new skills to existing problems.
-Interpersonal skills with the ability to work as an individual and as a team player.
Technical Skills
-Primary Skills: .Net Framework (, C#)
-Secondary Skills: SQL Server 2005, ADO.Net, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
-Tools: Visual Studio 2010
-OS: Microsoft Windows Family
Project Details
A fully integrated Hospital Management System (HMS), which is a web application and addresses all the major functional areas of minimum and maximum size hospitals in India. The modules such as Registration, Billing, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Operation Theatre and Medical Records come with the configurable parameters. Hence, MedsysB can be tailored to the needs of the hospitals.
Educational Summary
-BE [CSE] – from XXXX Engineering College, abc, with 70% First Class.
-HSC – from XXXX Higher Secondary. School, abc, with 70.16 %.
-SSLC – XXXX High School, abc, with 86.8 %.
Personal Profile
Languages Known : English .......
Permanent Address : XXXXX
I here by declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
RE: Asp.Net developer CV sample - Asp.Net developer CV formats / templates -Vidushi Sharma (08/21/12)
ASP.NET cv sample
Email: avi*******
Mobile: 098*********
Career Summary
-Result oriented professional with 4+ years of software development on Microsoft platform.
-Hands on Experience on C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server.
-Expert in Finance Domain Web Developments.
-Good understanding of Windows 2003 Server OS, Database and Applications.
-Extensive Experience in writing stored procedures with SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
Technical Skill Set
-Operating System : Win 95/98, Win 2000, Win NT, Win XP.
-Front End Tools : C#. NET, ASP .NET, ADO.NET, HTML, Ajax
-Back End Tools : MS-Access, SQL Server 2000, SQL server 2005,SQLite
Functional Skill Set
-Team player.
-Actively involved in routine client interaction.
-Also acted as a team coordinator in my recent projects.
-Acting as a mentor in team as and when required.
Key Responsibilities handled
-Review and verify the technical document in Low level design
-Co-coordinating and conducting knowledge transfer session for other team members.
-Scripting and developing the business validation Java script code.
-Lead the module and to settle for the challenges of odd hours support to the client.
-Application Enhancement to provide permanent solution for recurrent issues
-Maintenance/Production support activities– Query Scripting, Data Correction, Research,
Key Projects Undertaken
Project #1
Technologies / Tools [ Asp.Net / C# / SQ Server/ ASP.Net /Web Services ]
Details: This application is an intranet solution used to transform Ad booking data’s in a graphic view making it possible to automate 100% the realization of
editions planning’s. It integrates logic of ads placement making possible for the people to have reliable and real time information.
Role: Module level analysis, designing, coding and implementation.
Project #2
Technologies / Tools [ASP.Net / C# / Sql Server ]
Details: This web application is a next generation online business portal and platform, offering users an array of web-based business tools and services like Dynamic
website creation, Social Networking groups, Online Trading of Products, Ecommerce.
Role: Module level analysis, Designing and Coding
Project #3
Technologies / Tools [ASP.Net / C# / Sql Server ]
Details: This web application with the use of cutting edge wireless technology and the Internet, there is now a revolutionary system that can provide optimum
neighborhood security for all family members. Basically there are 2 types of alerts which a user can avail from this site. “Yellow Alert” and “Red Alert”. Role: HTML
Design, and Maintenance
-Received “Kudos” award for single handedly developing the Birthday Messenger application for organization’s HR department, without any compromise in the allotted
project tasks/activities.
-Nominated in the “Gem of UK ADM Projects” and twice for “Style Icon – Male” category in PING awards.
-Attained excellent grade in the assessment training of Microsoft .Net.
-Earned Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) in .NET.
-Working with Company 1 since Nov-2010 as Sr.Software Developer.
-Worked with Company 2 from Jan 2008 to Nov 2010 as Software Developer.
-Masters Of Computer Applications from XYZ in 2***
-Bachelors Of Computer Applications from PER in 2***
-Diploma in Advanced Computer from TERE in 2003***
-Diploma in Software Engineering from WWE, in 2***
Personal Information
-DOB: 5th May, 19XX
-Languages known: English, Hindi
-Address: XYZ
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