Biosphere and the Ecosystem: Biodiversity- Classification of species, types - Part I

Biosphere and the Ecosystem: Biodiversity- Classification of species, types - Part I

1. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Biodiversity is a system in constant evolution, from a view point of species, as well as from view point of an individual organism.

II. It is found evenly on the earth.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: a. I only

2. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Biodiversity is a combination of two words, Bio (life) and diversity (variety).

II. It refers to the varieties of plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystems they form.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

3. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Biodiversity is our living wealth.

II. It is a result of hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary history.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

4. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Genetic biodiversity refers to the variation of genes within species.

II. Species biodiversity refers to the variety of species.

III. The broad differences between ecosystem types and the diversity of habitats and ecological processes occurring within each ecosystem type constitute the ecosystem diversity.

a. I and II only
b. II and III only
c. I and III only
d. All

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ANSWER: d. All

5. Species which are not the natural inhabitants of the local habitat but are introduced into the system are called

a. Endangered species
b. Vulnerable species
c. Exotic species
d. Rare species

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ANSWER: c. Exotic species

6. What are the important services provided by the biodiversity?

I. Ecological services
II. Geological services
III. Recreational services
IV. Genetic resources

a. I and II only
b. II and III only
c. I and IV only
d. All

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ANSWER: d. All

7. Match the following:


I. Rosy periwinkle
II. Cinchona
III. Coca
IV. Rauwolfia serpentine

Effective for diseases

A) Malaria
B) Hypertension
C) Leukemia
D) Anesthesia


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8. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. India is one of the 19 mega-biodiversity countries of the world.

II. India can be divided into ten bio-geographic zones.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

9. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Biological extinction of the species means the complete disappearance of a species.
II. It is the ultimate fate of all species.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

10. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Background extinction refers to the gradual disappearance of species due to changes in local environmental conditions.

II. Mass extinction is characterized by a rate of disappearance significantly higher than the background extinction.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

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