

When both is used to talk about two subjects, the conjunction `and’ must be used. Also, the plural verb has to be used as there are two subjects.

Both Mr Sharma and Mr Gupta are poor.

Or, Sunita is both intelligent and brave.

Test your understanding - Choose the correct sentence from the pair of sentences given below

a. On Teachers day, both the students and their teacher were playing cricket.
b. On Teachers day, both the students as well as their teacher were playing cricket.

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ANSWER: a. On Teachers day, both the students and their teacher were playing cricket.

a. Both the pets, a cat and a dog was sleeping soundly .
b. Both the pets, a cat and a dog were sleeping soundly .

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ANSWER: b. Both the pets, a cat and a dog were sleeping soundly.

a. During the war, the young soldier showed both his courage and his patriotism.
b. During the war, the young soldier showed both his courage as also patriotism.

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ANSWER: a. During the war, the young soldier showed both his courage and his patriotism.

a. Both his shirt and trousers are white.
b. Both his shirt and trousers is white.

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ANSWER: a. Both his shirt and trousers are white.

a. Of the girls in the class, both Jyoti and Aakansha are beautiful.
b. Of the girls in the class, both Jyoti as well as Aakansha are beautiful.

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ANSWER: a. Of the girls in the class, both Jyoti and Aakansha are beautiful.

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