C++/ Java Interview Questions - CDOT
1. How to check that a binary tree is fully balanced?
2. What is the difference between complete and binary tree?
3. What is the difference between circular link list and doubly link list?
4. Write a program to delete a C?
5. How to compare two link lists?
6. What is a true Boolean function?
(node *p)
return ((p==null)||(p->next==null)|| (p->info<=p->next->info)&&( fun(p->next)));
a) when list is empty or has one node
b) when the ele are sorted in non decreasing order
c) when the ele are sorted in non increasing order
d) None of the above
7. What is x in the following statement (x&&!(x&(x-1))==1)
a) x is always a prime
b) x is a power of 2
c) x is even
d) x is odd
8. What is the difference between deep copy and shallow copy
9. What is the difference between sleep() and wait() in JAVA?
10. What happens when the parent process of a child process exits before the child?