Calculation of modulation index using antenna current

The antenna current of the transmitter is 10A. Find the percentage of modulation when the antenna current increases to 10.4A.

a.) 32%
b.) 28.5%
c.) 64%
d.) 40%

Correct Answer: b) 28.5%


It= Ic √(1+ m2/2)
10.4= 10 √(1+ m2/2)
√ (1+ m2/2) = 1.04

Therefore m= 0.285
= 28.5%
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  • RE: Calculation of modulation index using antenna current -Prashant (12/11/21)
  • Answer is 40 %
  • RE: Calculation of modulation index using antenna current -suraij (04/02/17)
  • Yh 40%.thank full attention
  • RE: Calculation of modulation index using antenna current -Manu Ratheesh (06/14/16)
  • Sir,
    I think answer is (d) 40%