Campus interview questions and answers - part 5

Do you know anyone who works for us?

Offer someone’s name if they really know you well and can offer a positive feedback about you.

What motivates you at work?

To answer this question, you can mention things like – new challenges, good environment which all employers think that they offer. Money does play the role of a

motivating factor but you would not want to sound “money minded” by bringing it up into the discussion.

What position would you prefer while working on a project?

This question is for you to answer based on the skills and qualities you have. If you have the capability to multitask, discuss that also in the interview.

Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

Being on either of the extremes at work can be bad for you and the company – you have to have a perfect balance here. Your behaviour at work should be as per the


To answer this question you can say something like: I behave as per the requirement of the situation.

For e.g. If I am representing the company at an event which requires me to talk to a lot of people, I become an extrovert while if there is some serious issue under

discussion, I think calmly and deeply on it.
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