Can corruption be dealt with a helpline?

Can corruption be dealt with a helpline?

Recently, the Delhi government launched anti corruption helpline which will enable the common residents to perform a sting operation on the corrupt officials and forward the complaint to the anti corruption beaureu. But the million dollar question is that can corruption be dealt with any helpline. Lets see:-


1. This sort of action will create a sense of deterrence among officials that if they take bribe they will be taken to course.

2. Such helplines give power to the people to raise their voice against day-to-day corruption.

3. This step will empower the anti corruption department to take instant action on the corrupt officials.

4. It will also create a sense of vigilance among common people who treat bribe as a daily course of action.

5. Such a step will help even the poorest of poor class to raise their voice aginst corruption through this helpline.


1. A helpline can’t register the problem of such a large number of population.

2. When a lot of people dial the helpline number, the line is jammed and there are serious connectivity issues.

3. Such helplines may work at a good rate initially but later on the whole process goes into cold bag.

4. In such steps, a lot of people register forged complaints and there is no measure to check them.

5. It may cater the middle class but people with less accessibility of phones wouldn’t be benefitted.


Any helpline number launched for corruption is a good step but only if there is a proper backend mechanism to deal with the number of complaints getting registered. If the mechanism is strong and properly monitored it can give big relief to the people who are fed of corruption. But if not regulated such a process will end up being as lackluster as many other helpline numbers.
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  • RE: Can corruption be dealt with a helpline? -Rishika Jalan (04/25/14)
  • Our country India witnesses such a high level of corruption that it is necessary to keep a check on it and eradicate is as much as possible. In an effort to remove corruption entirely from our country, the Delhi government has launched an anti corruption helpline through which people can forward their complaints to the anti corruption department. This move is a very effective idea to keep the officials within control. The officials will always be on their toes and will think twice before asking for any bribes as they can be taken into action because of their demands. The common people will also have platform to voice their complaints against corruption and bribery. Day to day illegal activities and demands can be traced by the anti corruption department. But such a helpline will be totally effective only if all complains received are efficiently looked upon and handled. Thus a helpline can help our country eradicate corruption to a great extent.