Can you give me some details about TOEFL?

Can you give me some details about TOEFL?

I am applying for Visa to UK for higher studies. Should I appear TOEFL to procure better chances of getting the VISA? What is the pattern of this and will it be beneficiary if I score well?

TOEFL tests are usually appeared by students planning to study at a higher education institution, or English-language learning program admissions and exit, or scholarship and certification candidates, or English-language learners who want to track their progress, or Students and workers applying for visas. Scoring well in TOEFL will definitely help if you fulfill the other requisites as well. You must give in a try if you are confident about your English skills as there are more than 9,000 colleges, agencies and other institutions in over 130 countries that accept TOEFL scores.

The TOEFL test allocates scores in four skill areas - Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing - along with the total score. The total score is the sum of the scores of the four skill areas. Reading section (60–80 minutes) will have 36–56 questions that will include read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answering questions. Listening section (60–90 minutes) will have 34–51 questions that include listening to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, and then answering questions. You will get a 10 minutes break after this section. The Speaking section (20 minutes) will have 6 tasks based on expressing an opinion on a familiar topic or speaking based on reading and listening tasks. The writing section (50 minutes) will include 2 tasks based on writing essay responses based on reading and listening tasks or towards supporting an opinion in writing. Best of luck!
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