Child artists: Unnoticed victims of child labour

Child artists: Unnoticed victims of child labour

India is said to have the largest number of child laborers in the world. Daily on television, the social activists groups talks about the rights of children. Even various TV shows highlight the problem of child labour in India. However, the entertainment industry doesn’t follow what they boast about child labour and their education. Child artists form a big part of entertainment world, but no one ever questions them. Let us have a discussion on the topic, Child artists: Unnoticed victims of child labour.


- Whenever a child is forced to work at the cost of education, it is said to be against child labour laws. However, no one ever question the child artists who have to act for long hours on the cost of education.

- The poor people are restricted from making their children work, even when they don’t have any other way to fulfill the basic needs. But when it comes to child artists, the parents want name, fame and money which is unjustified.

- Child labour laws are said to be breached when a work threatens emotional and mental well-being of a child. The stress of competition and performance in show biz is fatal for children’s emotional and mental health.

- Even if the parents make necessary arrangements for education, child artist have to juggle the time between shootings, homework and school. In fact, there are times when child artists are forced to compromise on their play time.

- The International Labour Organization states child labour as any task that exposes children to psychological abuse and unhealthy working environment. It brings child modeling under child labour.

- Parents do not agree to give whatever child demands, and therefore even if a child chooses to prefer acting over education, the move should not be allowed.


- Just because acting world is associated with money doesn’t mean that the child artists are victims of child labour. It is not a form of work, but a type of art like other activities dance, drama and sports.

- Everyone wants to be famous and children are no exception. The acting world opens a whole new gateway of success for them.

- Acting cannot be imposed on anyone. Therefore, children can never act on anyone’s intimidation. How does it make child actor a victim of child labour?

- There are many child artists who have done really well in their life. The instances are there of successful people. There is no such example which proves that child artist suffered just because he was a part of acting world.

- As long as child is not completely out of school, it cannot be termed as a child labour. The education is not compromised at any stage.


It is so easy for the government and social activists to stop poor people from sending their children to work in the name of child labour. The statement in no way encourages child labour. It just wants to focus on those children who don’t want to be a part of show business. They are fulfilling the aspirations of their parents. The social activists should shift the attention on child modeling, which seems to have unnoticed victim of child labour.
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  • RE: Child artists: Unnoticed victims of child labour -umesh (03/05/15)
  • to stop the child labour first we have to change the thinking of the people and this can not be only done by tv shows and by by government .it is the responsibility of all the people who see the child labour and ignore its our bresponsibility
  • RE: Child artists: Unnoticed victims of child labour -shruti suman (03/05/15)
  • What we see today is glamour world full of colors, life, success and money. But the hidden fact behind this is black and white world of work and stress. India is one of the largest victims of child labor. Daily on television, the social activists groups talks about the rights of children. Even various TV shows highlight the problem of child labor in India. However, the entertainment industry doesn’t follow what they boast about child labor and their education. Child artists form a big part of entertainment world, but no one ever questions them.These needs to be stopped otherwise these kids would lose their innocence and angelic purity. Child labor laws are said to be breached when a work threatens emotional and mental well-being of a child. The stress of competition and performance in show biz is fatal for children’s emotional and mental health. Who is responsible for this – parents, who push their kids to earn name, fame and money for the family, children themselves, or we as viewers who like them so much that do not bother to think even once about the conditions in which they work.
  • RE: Child artists: Unnoticed victims of child labour -Deepa Kaushik (02/10/15)
  • Does the child labour imply only the form of work which drives money and education? Is the child’s life confined only to education and nothing else? We need to understand that every child is born with one or the other talent. Some of them get recognized, while the others don’t. There are many who never get identified of their hidden talents, just due to the lack of opportunity.

    A child artist is definitely a form of child labour. Not because they have to compromise their education, but they are flooded with workloads. A child should be given enough time for the various activities. This is not for a pass-time but for their physical and mental development. A child artist has a hectic schedule juggling between work and education, and lack time for other sorts of activities. The acting might not be their only talent, but would lack time to explore themselves to fullest. Also, the acting becomes a mandatory part of their schedule even if they don’t want to continue the work with their will.

    A child should not be made slave to money. The money and finance is not something that should cover up the young brains. It is the time to develop the talents within them and give them ample time to explore themselves and the world. The child artists are undoubtedly the unnoticed victims of child labour who need to be pulled up from the vicious circle.