Ciena - sample Technical Papers for placement

Ciena - sample Technical Papers for placement

Q. What is Real Time Operating System (RTOS)? What are the advantages of RTOS?

Q. What are the differences between Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and General Purpose Operating Systems (GPOS)?

Q. What is Scheduling algorithm?

Q. Explain the difference between a Thread and a Process.

Q. Draw and explain the packet format of PBB.

Q. What is a Breadth First Search? Give a few of its applications.

Q. What is Mutex (Mutual Exclusion Object) ?

Q. Compare Mutex and Semaphore.

Q. Is it possible to use Semaphore/ Mutex in an Interrupt Handler?

Q. What is a Hash Table? What are the advantages of using a hash table?

Q. Give an example of Priority Inversion in Scheduling. What are the consequences of Priority Inversion?

Q. Show bitwise addition for any four numbers. Why bitwise operations are better than simple addition?

Q. Why it is important to have aligned addresses? What is the exception generated when there is a misaligned address?

Q. What is IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)? What is multicasting? Explain the headers of packet format of IPv6 and IPv4?

Q. What is an Optical Surface Analyser (OSA)?
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