Dead State - MCQs with Answers

Q1. What is the relation between the pressure change (dp) and volume change (dv), for all the real processes in nature containing pressure change (dp) as well as volume change (dv)?

a. dp/dv = 0
b. dp/dv > 0
c. dp/dv < 0
d. all the above options are possible

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ANSWER: c. dp/dv < 0

Q2. What is the dead state of the system?

a. the state at which system is in pressure and temperature equilibrium with the surroundings
b. the state at which system is in chemical equilibrium with the surroundings
c. the state at which system must have zero velocity and minimum potential energy
d. all of the above

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ANSWER: d. all of the above

Q3. What is the exergy of a system when it is at dead state?

a. zero
b. less than zero
c. more than zero
d. cannot say

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ANSWER: a. zero

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