Demodulation and Calculation of Sideband power in AM

Demodulation is:

a.) detection
b.) recovering information from modulated signal
c.) a) and b)
d.) none of the above

Correct Answer: c.) a) and b)


Demodulation is the process of recovering the original information from a modulated carrier wave. Systems are designed to be used as demodulators that detect the information signal from the carrier. The envelope detector and product detector are few of the AM detectors.

Calculate the side band power in an SSBSC signal when there is 50% modulation and the carrier power is 50W.

a.) 50W
b.) 25 W
c.) 6.25 W
d.) 12.5 W

Correct Answer : 6.25 W


The side band power is given by
Pc m2/2
= 50* (0.5) 2/2
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  • RE: Demodulation and Calculation of Sideband power in AM -karan kaushal (04/08/18)
  • it should be pc*(k^2)/4..the formula you wrote is for dsbsc