Describe the Functional Differences and Architectural Differences between BO and WI reports. - BO Designer

Describe the Functional Differences and Architectural Differences between BO and WI reports.

Functional Differences :

- Every PC should be installed with BO client to build or access the reports.

- Every PC should have BOMAIN.Key file that uses the BO Client.

Architectural Differences :

BO Client:

- BO Client machine invokes the BOMAIN.Key file from its local disk drive.

- It sends the information to BO Server’s BOMAIN.Key, validates it.

- Checks the key in the repository.

- Followed by repository validation, user can access the BO services.


- Users log into Webi through InfoView .

- Web Server’s BOMAIN.Key is checked for privileges of the logged in user.

- It sends the information to the BO Server’s BOMAIN.Key.

- Then the information is validated and forwards to Repository.

- If valid, then provides the access to the Universe and underlying database.
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