Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels - MCQs with Answers- Part 6
The role of marketing channels - Channel Design, Channel Management1. After choosing a channel system, the company must modify the channel design over time. a) True
b) False
View Answer / Hide Answer2. ___________ is the ability to change channel members behavior.a) Channel power
b) Coercive power
c) Reward power
d) Legitimate power
View Answer / Hide Answer3. When a manufacturer threatens to terminate a relationship or withdraw a resource if intermediaries fail to cooperate it is a) Channel power
b) Coercive power
c) Reward power
d) Legitimate power
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: b) Coercive power
4. Coercive and reward power more a) Objective
b) Subjective
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer5. Referent power, expert power and legitimate power are more a) Objective
b) Subjective
c) Any of a and b
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer6. Efficient consumer practices are adopted by manufacturers to maintain their relationship in a) Demand side management
b) Supply side management
c) Enablers and integrators
d) All of the above
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: d) All of the above
7. A conventional marketing channel is formed of a) Independent producer and wholesaler
b) Wholesaler and retailer
c) Independent producer, wholesaler and retailer
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Independent producer, wholesaler and retailer
8. In a vertical marketing system the components act as a a) Unified system
b) Independent units
c) Depends
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: a) Unified system
9. Vertical marketing systems are a result of a) Strong channel members trying to control channel behavior
b) Eliminate conflict between independent members
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer10. A ______________ combines successive phases of production and distribution under single ownership. a) Corporate VMS
b) Administered VMS
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer11. ________ combines successive phases of production and distribution through the power and size of one of the members.a) Corporate VMS
b) Administered VMS
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: b) Administered VMS