Different areas of work in Rehabilitation taken up as a career

What are the different areas of work in Rehabilitation taken up as a career?

Special Education-
-Special education is a branch of rehabilitation which provides education to students with special needs in a way that takes into account individual differences and needs of students

Clinical/Therapeutic Rehabilitation-

-Clinical/Therapeutic Rehabilitation is the science which is meant to provide clinical and specific therapeutic services to persons with disabilities

Psychosocial Rehabilitation-

-Psychosocial Rehabilitation professionals provide community based support and services to people diagnosed with severe mental illnesses.

Vocational Rehabilitation-

-Vocational Rehabilitation is the continuous and coordinated process of rehabilitation science, which is meant for prevocational and vocational training, vocational guidance & counselling, selective placement designed to enable an adult disabled person to secure and retain suitable employment for their independent living.

Rehabilitation Management and Administration-

-Rehabilitation Management and Administration is the field of study for planning, organizing, financing, directing, supervising, inspecting and evaluating the rehabilitation services provided by the institutions dealing with disabled persons.
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