Duties of a mechanical engineer and specialisation areas.

I want to know what are the various duties that a mechanical engineer needs to fulfil during his job and what are the various specialisation that I can do.

Mechanical engineers are the driving force behind many of the technologies and industrial processes including innovative products like mobiles, PC’s and DVD etc. in our modern world. The work of a mechanical engineer is fairly complicated and challenging as it requires excellent analytical and computer skills to fulfil the task at hand such as designing, development etc. You must have the ability and the eagerness to work as a team. Their basic work involves production, transmission and use of mechanical power and heat. As a mechanical engineer you are required to analyse the quality of the materials used for the machines and their tolerances. It is very essential to investigate the different energy sources and also the problems faced during designing and that’s another duty that is required to be fulfilled by a mechanical engineer. Mechanical engineers are also responsible for maintenance and repair of the devices. They have to handle the machinery properly to get the maximum output.

There are various specialisations that you can do in areas like thermal engineering, design and production engineering, etc. Mechanical engineers work mainly in manufacturing firms.
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