Economist Career Objective and Career Summary

Career Objective and Career Summary for Economist


Looking to secure the role of a Senior Economist in bngh Ltd. Tremendous insight about markets as well as experience of forecasting to help a company take better economic decisions


• A Masters in Economics from Delhi School of Economics with over 5 years of experience as an Economist with JHNG Ltd.
• Gave recommendations and plans to solve economic problems or to interpret markets
• Gathering large amount of information for research and uncovering trends through data analysis and statistics.
• Credited with forecasting the 1997 banking crisis and made the bank take premptive measures for ensuring it was less impact by the crisis
• A contributor to a number of national dailies as well as a popular speaker on various television channels
• Voracious reader possessing deep economic intellect and an ability to take ideas from all possible economists.
• Preparing reports with the help of financial statements and various ratios to assess the stability, viability and profatibility of a project.
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  • Economist Career Objective and Career Summary -Deepa Kaushik (06/23/14)
  • Career Objective:

    To attain the position of “Economist” in your organisation, to project my excellence in the industry and promote the reputation of the company in the market worldwide.

    Career Summary:

    - M.A. Economy with 6 year working experience.
    - Sound knowledge and ability to interpret and convey complex and sensitive details in a simple and understandable form.
    - Experience of preparing financial charts.
    - Good command over analysing the risk-measurement factors and advocating appropriate advice for the policy makers.
    - Ability to perform statistical analysis of the proposed projects to check for its impact on the economic activity.
    - Excellent knowledge of market trends and possesses the capability of predicting the share line-up.
    - Experience of performing economic and financial analysis.
    - Experience of reporting the senior management with the implications of the existing financial projects.
    - Ability to train and mentor the interns and junior staff.
    - Proficient in working with excel and Power Point.
    - Capable of identifying the financial imbalances and developing an appropriate remedial measure for the same.
    - Team player with excellent time-management skills.