Electronic voting is better than paper voting

Electronic voting is better than paper voting

General Elections are seeing higher voter turnout this year. People have started understanding the importance of their vote. They are utilizing their rights but are their votes reaching to the person they are voting for. This is the question that constantly haunts people’s minds whenever they go for voting. Whether it was the era of paper voting or now the era of electronic voting, the doubt remains. Still people find electronic voting as a better form than people voting. Do you agree?


• Electronic voting is more secure as there is no probability of destroying of votes. The paper votes can be destroyed easily.

• The paper votes are more prone to damage by the unavoidable external factors. It is not the case with electronic voting.

• The votes casted by electronic voting are stored in secured database system as soon as the voting is done.

• It is easy and time saving to count the electronic votes. The counting of Paper votes is a long and cumbersome process.

• The resources required in the case of electronic voting are much lesser than that of paper voting. It helps to save costs.


• Electronic Machine is more prone to malfunctioning. There is a higher probability of technical errors coming at the real time.

• Many a times, the machines can have problems with the internal system. The votes casted can go to another candidate.

• The old age people can make mistake in pressing the right button. They might click the wrong button during the voting.

• Although electronic machines are not connected to the internet but still there is always a risk of hacking of information of electronic votes.

• The US Government has started keeping up the paper ballot back up along with the electronic voting. If the back up is required then there is no significance of electronic voting machines.


When paper voting was prevalent, there was fear of damage of votes, and now when electronic voting is there then there is a fear of tapering of votes. In any case the fear factors or rather say the risk factor exists. Therefore, it is better to go with the electronic voting machines as this is what the present time demands of.
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  • RE: Electronic voting is better than paper voting -Deepa Kaushik (04/22/14)
  • Electronic voting is definitely better over the old means of paper voting. It is the secure means of casting the vote. The voting has more transparency and is more secretive than the paper voting. This means of voting is tamper proof and has least probability cheatings.

    The database is more secure and can be preserved over a long period of time. Such a voting has paved way to have a overview of the correct number of votes casted per party in the previous elections for introspection and analyses purposes. The database has a good scope of faster counting of the votes than the conventional paper votes. Counting, thus, requires less of manpower and also saves energy along with time and money.

    Coming on to the resources, it saves a lot with respect to the manpower and is hence a cost-effective option. Lesser number of people per booth, and lesser manpower at the backend are required for ensuring the safety of the ballot box. This means has undoubtedly taken care of every measure to outstand the paper voting facility.