Explain all the addressing modes of the 8085 with the help of examples.

Explain all the addressing modes of the 8085 with the help of examples.

The various types of addressing modes of the 8085 are as follows:

- Direct addressing: The instructions in itself contain the opearand. For ex. STA5513H or in/out instructions such as IN PORT C.

- Register addressing: The general purpose registers contain the operands. For ex. MOV A, B;

- Register indirect addressing: This involves the use of register pairs instead of a single register. For ex MOV A, M; ADD M.

- Immediate addressing: The example are MVI A, 07; or ADI 0F etc.

- Implicit addressing: this form of addressing contains no operands. For ex. RAR, CMA etc.
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  • RE: Explain all the addressing modes of the 8085 with the help of examples. -Shailesh (09/10/15)
  • Tysm for the information and it's very helpful for us