Family Devices of 8051 Microcontroller - MCQs with answers

Family Devices of 8051 Microcontroller - MCQs with answers

1. Why is CHMOS technology preferred over HMOS technology for designing the devices of MCS-51 family?

a. Due to higher noise immunity
b. Due to lower power consumption
c. Due to higher speed
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: d. All of the above

2. Which condition approve to prefer the EPROM/ROM versions for mass production in order to prevent the external memory connections?

a. size of code < size of on-chip program memory
b. size of code > size of on-chip program memory
c. size of code = size of on-chip program memory
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: a. size of code < size of on-chip program memory

3. Which among the below mentioned devices of MCS-51 family does not possess two 16 -bit timers/counters ?

a. 8031
b. 8052
c. 8751
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: b. 8052

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