Flaunt vs Flout

Flaunt vs Flout

The word ‘Flaunt’ is a verb, which means to show something very open for others to notice and also means showing lack of respect for something like a rule.

For example:

a. Amar did not flaunt his wealth when people are struggling for food during the famine.
b. Prosperous people are less shy about flaunting their wealth and become popular in the society.
c. Mary dresses with ornaments and jewels to flaunt her wealth at the parties.

The word ‘Flout’ is a verb, which means to break or ignore. To show contemptuous disregard or indulge in scornful behavior.

For example:

a. Despite the repeated warnings, criminals have continued to flout the law.
b. Drivers are still flouting the safety rules and are continuing to use the mobile phones while driving the vehicles on the road.
c. Though photography is banned inside the temple, many tourists flout the rule and take pictures.
Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the right words.

1. Developing countries have hard times in protecting their resources while developed countries ________ (Flaunt/ Flout) their riches.
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ANSWER: Flaunt

2. The_____ (Flaunt/ Flout) of rules and regulations is taken for granted by many in the modern world.
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3. Daffodils_______ (Flaunted/ Flouted) their golden cups at equally beautiful Tulips in the garden.
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ANSWER: Flaunted

4. John _______ (Flaunt/ Flout) the speed limit depending on his schedule.
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