Glass Which Is Stronger Than Steel: A Miracle of Modern Science

Glass Which Is Stronger Than Steel: A Miracle of Modern Science

One of the latest scientific inventions that is sure to astound anyone is a type of glass which is stronger than steel. This wonder glass can be used for producing sturdy and durable complex shapes that are as solid and perhaps even stronger than metal. Top scientists at Yale University have come up a way to identify and characterize complex alloys called bulk metallic glasses (BMGs). This is a glass which is pliable and way stronger than steel. This is a versatile type of glass. The new technique for making glass stronger than steel is based on the discovery that allows Yale researchers to screen out 3,000 alloys each day.

They can also ascertain properties such as melting temperature and malleability which are perfect for making the glass stronger than steel. Scientists at the university are likening this method to a net rather than a fishing hook when it comes to checking the alloys suitable for making BMG. The bulk metallic glasses are used to make sporting goods such as watch accessories and parts as well as golf clubs. Apart from being a very good material for making consumer durables, BMGs are also ideal for applications in biomedical technology. They can be used to make consumer electronics such as implants, stents and mobile phones apart from having uses in the consumer industry as well.

Scientists are currently estimating that there are over 20 million BMG alloys. Nearly 120,000 metallic glasses have been produced and classified to date. The research venture is yielding strong dividends for industries and corporate enterprises which are seeking to capitalize on BMG, as it has the appearance of glass and the durability which exceeds metals. It will take nearly 4,000 years to process all possible combinations for producing high quality BMGs.

This could reduce the time taken to come up with the perfect glass to less than 4 years. This glass is stronger than steel. It has all the right qualities for the manufacturing industries. It is ideal for unbreakable medical implants. New applications for this glass are being discovered now. BMGs are metal alloys which consist of 3 elements namely yttrium, copper and magnesium. There are specific combinations of elements which are heated and cooled at certain temperatures. This is done to produce materials that have unusual plasticity and strength.

Apart from unusual plasticity and strength, this special glass has the durability and hardiness to withstand rigorous usage. It can withstand heavy loads as well. BMGs are created using a process known as parallel blow forming with combinatorial sputtering. The blow forming results in bubble formation in the alloys. This makes the glass pliable and strong. Co-sputtering is also used for fabricating the alloys in a simultaneous way. Alloy elements are mixed in different controlled ratios and this culminates in millimetre size samples. It can also create micron thick samples. Around 3,000 bubbles are blow-formed on 3,000 different materials. This is the process through which the BMG alloys are identified.
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