Gray Body - MCQs with Answers

Gray Body – MCQs with Answers

1. What is a gray body?

a. a body of which the monochromatic emissivity (ε) is different different wavelengths
b. a body of which the monochromatic emissivity (ε) is constant for the entire wavelength spectrum
c. a body of which the monochromatic emissivity (ε) is maximum for longest wavelength
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: b. a body of which the monochromatic emissivity (ε) is constant for the entire wavelength spectrum

2. The emissive power of gray body is

a. less than the emissive power of the black body
b. greater than the emissive power of the black body
c. equal to the emissive power of the black body
d. cannot say

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ANSWER: a. less than the emissive power of the black body

3. What is the correct formula for the total emissive power of the gray body (Eg)?

a. (Eg) = ε σ T4
b. (Eg) = ε T4
c. (Eg) = (1/ε) σ T4
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: a. (Eg) = ε σ T4

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