Latest GD Topics
* Rules are made to be broken
* You have to break a few eggs to make an omellette
* A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years
* Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy
* Dolphins and Whales should get universal rights
* Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4. Once that is granted, everything else follows
* He who knows how to be poor knows everything
* Winning is not the important thing, it is the only thing
* The test of a successful man is not an ability to eliminate the problem before it exists, but to meet and resolve it whenever it arises
* Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment
* Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative
* Faith is to believe what you do not yet see, reward for faith is to see what you believe
* If you give a man a fish, he eats it once. You teach a man to fish, you lose a business opportunity
* A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds
* A closed mouth catches no flies
Latest GD Topics