How does inheritance operate when using the object of the classes? - Delphi

How does inheritance operate when using the object of the classes?

- The inheritance needs a parent and a child class where the child class inherits the property of the parent class.

- Child can have their own functions or inherit functions and properties from the parent class.

- TFootball child class is the base class and inheriting the properties of TBall class of the parents.

- The inheritance method is created like this:

beachBall : TBall;
soccerBall : TFootball;
beachBall := TBall.Create(5);
soccerBall := TFootball.Create(5, 12);


ShowMessageFmt('Beach ball is moving at speed : %d',[beachBall.GetSpeed]);
ShowMessageFmt('Soccer ball is moving at speed : %d',[soccerBall.GetSpeed]);

The output is shown as such:
Beach ball is moving at speed: 12
Soccer ball is moving at speed: 12
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