How does the submission process work? - SEO

How does the submission process work?

- Submission programs are used to send the data of the web site address to the server to request to display it.

- Submission programs have the “URL” to search engines that allows the links used to refer to the URL strings.

- Engines use many techniques to parse the URL using the spider through the HTML code and looks for particular tags.

- The tags that are searched for uses <a href= “”> and this consists of the link to which the pointer is pointing to.

- The parsing of the entire page is being done by using the small Web BOT that travels through the link and find more searching for links.

- The links uses the same procedure of all the pages at URL address when it is found on the search engines.
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  • RE: How does the submission process work? - SEO -vishal (11/10/15)
  • koi simple language me smjha do plzzz smjh nhi aaya mujhe :-):-(
  • RE: How does the submission process work? - SEO -ashish gupta (01/15/15)
  • Really this is good for me thanks for sharing it
  • RE: How does the submission process work? - SEO -ronak (07/06/14)
  • thx...................
  • RE: How does the submission process work? - SEO -sankari (05/30/14)
  • good