How the register in the 8086 are grouped together?

Explain briefly how the register in the 8086 are grouped together?

The 8086 in total consists of 14 16 bit registers. They are grouped together in the following way:

- All the registers are divided into the following groups: Data, Pointers and Index group, segment group and status and control flag group.

- The accumulator AX, base BX, count CX and data DX account for the data registers.

- The stack pointer SP, base pointer BP, source index SI, Destination index DI and the Instruction painter IP are the pointer registers.

- The Extra segment, code segment and stack segment are in the segment group of registers

- A single 16 bit flag register is present in the Control flag group.
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  • RE: How the register in the 8086 are grouped together? -shailesh (04/05/13)
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