How to modify one image from one layer to another layer? - Photoshop

How to modify one image from one layer to another layer?

- Open the color image that is to be modified.

- Select the image and copy the image in clip board.

- Change the color to gray scale using the mode.

- Select Yes to removing all color.

- The image will be changed into grayscale.

- Tweak the black and white part, up to the required quality.

- Return to MODE.

- Return the image to RGB mode.

- Select the Move tool and Paste.

- The file will be applied to the original color on a new layer.
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  • RE: How to modify one image from one layer to another layer? - Photoshop -Arianrhod (08/12/14)
  • Why need to convert the RGB mode to Greyscale mode to modify the image? Why need not to modify color on RGB mode directly?