Hysteresis Phenomenon can be specifically exhibited in ______.
Hysteresis Phenomenon can be specifically exhibited in ______.
a. Positive Feedback Comparator
b. Negative Feedback Comparator
c. Both
d. None
Correct Answer : a. Positive Feedback Comparator
Explanation :
Hysteresis phenomenon is a dead-band condition where the output switches from +Vsat to -Vsat whenever input value becomes greater than the upper threshold voltage. Thus, when the input value falls below lower threshold voltage, then the output gets returned to its original position or state +Vsat. Therefore, hysteresis can be evaluated as a difference of upper threshold voltage (Vut) and lower threshold voltage (Vlt.). The most probabilistic approach of hysteresis occurrence can be observed in the comparators with positive (or regenerative) feedback . The significant advantage of hysteresis is that it increases the speed of operation of the comparator.