IAS Prelims GS Questions and Answers - June 08 & 09, 2015
1. Consider the following statements1. Kangleipak and Meeteileipak are alternative names of Manipur state.
2. Meetei ethnic group is the largest ethnic group of Manipur.
3. Manipur is bounded by Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Mizoram and Myanmar.
Which of the following statements are true?a) 1,2
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) All
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: a) 1,2
Manipur is bounded by Nagaland to the north, Mizoram to the south, and Assam to the west; Myanmar lies to its east.
2. Which of the following gases was responsible for Bhopal gas tragedy?a) Hydrogen chloride
b) Methyl chloride
c) Methyl isocyanate
d) Hydrogen fluoride
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Methyl isocyanate
Methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas was responsible for Bhopal gas tragedy
3. Consider the following statements about LBA with Bangladesh1. Each country will take over most of the enclaves on its territory
2. Residents will have the right to stay where they are or move to the other side of the border.
3. The deal was originally agreed in 1974
Which of the above statements are true?a) 1,2
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) All
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: d) All
Established by a treaty between two former princely states, the 106 Indian enclaves in Bangladesh and 92 Bangladeshi enclaves in India are islands of foreign territory inside each country. Under the agreement, each country will take over most of the enclaves on its territory and residents will have the right to stay where they are or move to the other side of the border.
The deal was originally agreed in 1974 by Indira Gandhi and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh. Progress stopped for a long time, however, after Mujibur was assassinated in 1975, and subsequent governments failed to agree on the transfer of enclaves.
4. Assertion: In spite of the Aravalli hills, many parts of Rajasthan, do not receive much rainfall.
Reason: Aravallis lie parallel to the South West monsoon Arabian Sea branch while on the leeward side for South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal branch.a) Assertion & Reason both are correct and Reason is the correct explanation.
b) Assertion is wrong but reason is correct.
c) Assertion is correct but reason is wrong.
d) Both Assertion & reason are correct but reason is not the correct explanation of reason.
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: a) Assertion & Reason both are correct and Reason is the correct explanation.
This is because the Aravallis lie parallel to the South West monsoon Arabian Sea branch. For this reason the winds by pass this region and no rain is shed as there are no mountain ranges that lie transversely across.
This region is also on the leeward side for the South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal branch blows.
5. Consider the following statements1. The Dutch East India company was established in 1602.
2. The Headquarters of the Dutch company in India was at Pulicat.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Both
The Headquarters of the Dutch company in India was at Pulicat.
6. What is the name of the tribe that is battling against Vedanta for preservation of Niyamgiri hills?a) The Kondha or Kandha
b) Kandha Gauda
c) Oriya Munda
d) Dongria Kondh
View Answer / Hide Answer7. Consider the following statements1. FIFA Headquarter is in Zurich.
2. It has awarded the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar respectively
3. FIFA controls the rules of football
Which of the above statements are true?a) 1,2
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) All
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: a) 1,2
Although FIFA does not control the rules of football, it is responsible for both the organisation of a number of tournaments and their promotion
8. Consider the following statements1.Sachar Committee was appointed by the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
2.It has recommended preferential treatment to Muslims in the Indian Army to bring about a greater representation
Which of the above statements is/are correct?a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Both
Sachar Committee, appointed in 2005 by the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, was commissioned to prepare a report on the latest social, economic and educational condition of the Muslim community of India
9. Consider the following statements1. Cultivation of sugarcane reduces soil fertility.
2. The growing season for sugarcane is much longer in peninsular plateau.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Both
For higher recovery rate of sugar from cane, the crop must be harvested before onset of cold winter season. Peninsular region experiences mild winter as compared to northern region.
10.Consider the following statements1. World environment day is run by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
2. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972
3. "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care" is the theme of 2015 world environment day
Which of the above statements are true?a) 1,2
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) All
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: d) All
Environment day is celebrated on 5 th June.
11. Which of the following is wrongly matched?a) French open: Clay court
b) Wimbledon : Grass court
c) Australian Open : Clay court
d) All are correct
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Australian Open : Clay court
Australian Open is played on Hard court.
12. Consider the following statements1. Zoological Survey of India is headquartered in Mumbai
2. On the basis of the initial categorization of rare animals by the IUCN, the survey published Red Data Book
Which of the above statements is/are correct?a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: b) Only 2
Zoological Survey of India has headquarters in Kolkata.
13. Consider the following statements related to Food Safety and Standards Act 20061. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, is the regulating body related to food safety and laying down of standards of food in India.
2. It works under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
3. The FSSAI has its headquarters at New Delhi
Which of the following statements are true?a) 1,2
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) All
View Answer / Hide Answer14. Consider the following statements1. Snow leopard is considered as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
2.It is found in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh
3. Year 2015 designated International Year of the Snow Leopard.
Which of the above statements are true?a) 1,2
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) All
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: d) All
Environment day is celebrated on 5 th June.
15. Consider the following statements1. Directive principles are not enforceable by any court
2. The principles have been inspired by the Directive Principles given in the Constitution of Ireland and also by the principles of Gandhism
Which of the above statements is/are correct?a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: c) Both
Directive Principles contained in Part IV of the Constitution of India, are not enforceable by any court, but the principles laid down therein are considered fundamental in the governance of the country, making it the duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws to establish a just society in the country