Independent testing team - Software Testing MCQs

Independent testing team - Software Testing MCQs

1.Why independent testing team is required?
a) Then there will be no dispute about quality of product
b) Developer will concentrate on development activity
c) Tester can test product more thoroughly
d) Tester can join the project once development is finished

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ANSWER: c) Tester can test product more thoroughly

Comment: The attitude while developing a software and testing it will be different.

2. Which of the following will enjoy least independence?

a) Outsourced team
b) separate team within organization
c) separate team reporting to developmental manger
d) separate team reporting to project manager

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ANSWER: c) separate team reporting to developmental manger

3. Independence is always necessary factor in good testing. True or false

a) True
b) False

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ANSWER: b) False

Comment: Sometimes developers can also test software in critical matter but too much independence team can suffer problems of isolation

4. Which is/are not benefits of independent testing?

a) Detect different defects than programmer
b) Can spend money on tester training
c) Can blame programmer for poor quality
d) All of the above

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ANSWER: c) Can blame programmer for poor quality

Comment: If independent team starts blame game then they will not fulfill the goal of deploying quality product to customer and development team also looses heart in project.

5.How much percent of budget should be dedicated to testing activity for achieving its effectivness?

a. 10-20
b. 40-50
c. 60-70
d. 5-10
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ANSWER: b. 40-50

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