Interrupts in PIC 16C61 / 71 - MCQs with answers

Interrupts in PIC 16C61 / 71 - MCQs with answers

1. What is the purpose of acquiring two different bits from INTCON register for performing any interrupt operation in PIC 16C61 / 71 ?

a. One for enabling & one for disabling the interrupt
b. One for enabling the interrupt & one for its occurrence detection
c. One for setting or clearing the RBIE bit
d. None of the above

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ANSWER: b. One for enabling the interrupt & one for its occurrence detection

2. Which among the below specified combination of interrupts belong to the category of the PIC 16C61 / 71?

a. External , Timer/ Counter & serial Port Interrupts
b. Internal , External & Timer/Counter Interrupts
c. External , Timer 0 & Port B Interrupts
d. Internal, External, Timer 0 & PortA Interrupts

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ANSWER: c. External , Timer 0 & Port B Interrupts

3. Which condition results in setting the GIE bit of INTCON automatically ?

a. Execution of retfie instruction at the beginning of ISR
b. Execution of retfie instruction at the end of ISR
c. Execution of retfie instruction along with interrupt enable bit
d. Execution of retfie instruction along with interrupt disable bit

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ANSWER: b. Execution of retfie instruction at the end of ISR

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