LCD Module Initialization & Instructions - MCQs with answers

LCD Module Initialization & Instructions - MCQs with answers

1. How does the instruction execute for read command 'Get LCD Status' in LCD ?

a. By allowing EN line to go from low to high
b. By allowing EN line to go from high to low
c. By maintaining EN line to be stable
d. None of the above

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ANSWER: b. By allowing EN line to go from high to low

2. Match the HEX codes of LCD with their associated functions

A. 10H --------- 1) Shifting of cursor position to right
B. 14H --------- 2) Shifting of cursor position to left
C. 18H --------- 3) 2 lines & 5 x 7 character font
D. 38H --------- 4) Shifting of an entire display to the left

a. A-4,B–1,C-2,D-3
b. A-3,B–2,C-1,D-4
c. A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3
d. A-1,B–2,C-3,D-4

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ANSWER: c. A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3

3. How much delay is necessarily provided after the power-on-reset condition in order to overcome the predicaments related to valid power supply levels assigned to microcontroller and LCD ?

a. 10 ms
b. 12 ms
c. 15 ms
d. 25 ms

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ANSWER: c. 15 ms

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