Matching Definitions - Logical Reasoning

Matching Definitions - Logical Reasoning

Q1. Mutiny is a conspiracy among a group of individuals to openly oppose, change or overthrow an authority to which they are subject. Which situation below is the best example of a Mutiny?

A. The Indian rebellion of 1857 was a period of armed uprising in India against British colonial power.
B. In August 1996, The Leader was forced to leave Sudan and arrived in Jalabad, Afghanistan.
C. Bombers operating at high altitudes well out of range of antiaircraft guns bombed at neighbor country’s training camps.
D. The Forces and the Northern Alliance also began to diverge in their objectives.

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ANSWER: A. The Indian rebellion of 1857 was a period of armed uprising in India against British colonial power.

Q2. Indemnity insurance compensates the beneficiaries of the policies for their actual economic losses, up to the limiting amount of the insurance policy. . Which situation below is the best example of a Indemnification?

A. Slave owners suffered a loss whenever their slaves or indentured servants were granted their freedom. Slave owners might have been paid to cover their losses.
B. If, however, there is excess cash balances and increasing cash generation, the excess cash needs to be invested or distributed.
C. If anyone use a business with total assets of $1,000,000 and cash making up 15%, or $150,000, of that total.
D. As the applicants could not afford to make the premium payments. In order to accomplish his scheme, Ramesh further agreed to provide the premium payments on behalf of the applicants.

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ANSWER: A. Slave owners suffered a loss whenever their slaves or indentured servants were granted their freedom. Slave owners might have been paid to cover their


Q3. Resilience is usually thought of as the end product of an effective coping mechanism(s) when people are under stress. Which situation below is the best example of a resilience?

A. They lack comprehension of anything beyond the material sphere of the five senses.
B. John’s family is not only surviving difficult times, but being able to thrive despite adversity.
C. Hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which people live.
D. When people who don't persist enough fail is not that they are failing more than the average person, it's because they just give up too soon.

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ANSWER: B. John’s family is not only surviving difficult times, but being able to thrive despite adversity.

Q4. Infiltration is a process in which individuals penetrate an area, especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection. Which situation below is the best example of a infiltration?

A. A sample 20-minute circuit workout for military training is performed by completing the maximum number of repetitions for 13 exercises.
B. Tactics developed by the army, that broke the trench-warfare stalemate on the western front.
C. Department of Census and Statistics starts nationwide exercise to assess the loss of human lives and damage to property in the final stages of civil war.
D. For some years now, a part of the political and intellectual world has been seduced by the improbable idea of a clash of civilizations.

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ANSWER: B. Tactics developed by the army, that broke the trench-warfare stalemate on the western front.

Q5. Quid pro quo mean "a favour for a favour" . Which situation below can be the best example of a Quid pro quo ?

A. Relationships that understand the need for a healthy give and take balance are less likely to fail because both partners know and understand the value of the other.
B. That part of capital flows that represents a direct financial flow from a parent company to an overseas firm that it controls.
C. Iran used to be India's second-largest supplier, but is now fifth or sixth.
D. India is not buying and U.S. is not selling any Fighter Planes.

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ANSWER: A. Relationships that understand the need for a healthy give and take balance are less likely to fail because both partners know and understand the value of the other.

Q6. The diagnostic term 'mental retardation' is finally being eliminated in the upcoming international classifications of diseases and disorders. Which situation below is the best example of a Mental Retardation?

A. Aakash has visited the dealership several times, but he still cannot decide which house to buy.
B. John’s report now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills .
C. Sandra diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living.
D. Children may learn to sit up, to crawl, or to walk later like other children.

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ANSWER: C. Sandra diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living.

Q7. Embark means to engage, enlist, or invest in any affair. Which situation below is the best example of Embark ?

A. IBDs are racking up a bonanza of commission dollars and marketing cash from the sale of alternative investments.
B. But Mr. Powell, the secretary of state, was once again enlisted to smooth the feathers ruffled by his hawkish colleagues.
C. The Saxons, originally enlisted to assist in their suppression, may have done their jobs well.
D. Ram has recently selected for the BBA degree program through the college gaining entry at 2nd/3rd study year.

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ANSWER: D. Ram has recently selected for the BBA degree program through the college gaining entry at 2nd/3rd study year.

Q8. The definition of a reprieve is an escape, from expected punishment or consequence. Which situation below is the best example of Reprieve?

A. Measurements of the degree of seriousness of a crime have been developed.
B. In total, six men faced charges of conspiracy to blackmail, false imprisonment and gun possession.
C. Government thinking for withdrawal of any sentence on his aides for a period of time.
D. The judge is also bound to grant a reprieve when the prisoner becomes guilty of murder.

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ANSWER: C. Government thinking for withdrawal of any sentence on his aides for a period of time.

Q9. The definition of Call it a day is to quit work and go home. Which situation below is the best example of Call it a day ?

A. Ram has perfect form throughout his Inning.
B. After playing together for 20 years the band have finally decided to discontinue the band.
C. All professional athletes know they will reach a point where they have to finish first lap.
D. The police called in Gary for questioning.

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ANSWER: B. After playing together for 20 years the band have finally decided to discontinue the band.

Q10. Couch Potato defines as “Slang a lazy person whose recreation consists chiefly of watching television and videos”. Which situation below is the best example of Couch potato?

A. He is looking for a companion couch potato to share his life.
B. If you want to be on a couch, you might as well be a well-dressed one.
C. Even as they swing in constant, languid motion, orangutans burn fewer calories as like a human couch potato.
D. They remind me of the couch who watches fewer news and bellows out to the president how he should run the country.

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ANSWER: A. He is looking for a companion couch potato to share his life.

Q11. If you rock the boat, you do or say something that will upset people by changing a situation that they don't want changed. Which situation below is the best example of rock the boat ?

A. One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned.
B. To process, in a specified area, troops which are in transit from one locality to another.
C. You shouldn't sit there and say everything's fine.
D. Then by degrees the churches grew too small to hold the great crowds of people who wished to see the plays.

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ANSWER: C. You shouldn't sit there and say everything's fine.

Q12. Be a dime a dozen means Overly abundant. Which situation below is the best example of Be a dime a dozen ?

A. Romantic novels like these not have much value.
B. Unfortunately, car exhaust fumes have given the formerly abundant ferns a hard life.
C. Unlike other types of schizophrenia the patients are usually presentable and if delusions are not acted on may function in an apparently normal manner.
D. Although it all looks normal enough at first glance, only two of the numbers are where you would expect them to be.

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ANSWER: A. Romantic novels like these not have much value.

Q13. A Cat may look at a king means an inferior isn't completely restricted in what they may do in the presence of a superior. Which situation below is the best example of A Cat may look at a king?

A. Kings do not use to call Cats to an Account for their looks, or their undistinguishing Boldness.
B. Ram said ”You shouldn't stare at me like that. I'm your boss”. Ramesh said ”There is no such rule” .
C. Sometimes you can't accomplish a goal by being careful and polite.
D. A month after the wedding, a fertility rite was performed, where a cat was secured in a cradle.

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ANSWER: B. Ram said ”You shouldn't stare at me like that. I'm your boss”. Ramesh said ”There is no such rule” .

Q14. In the nick of time means just at the critical moment. Which situation below is the best example of In the nick of time?

A. The system of combining beats or pulses in music into successive groupings by which the rhythm of the music is established.
B. A child ran into the road in front of the car – I managed to stop just in time.
C. Nick’s nephew needed new notebooks now not never.
D. Catholics sometimes fast during Lent.

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ANSWER: B. A child ran into the road in front of the car – I managed to stop just in time.

Q15. The definition of a wreck is something that has been destroyed, or a person who is upset or in poor health. Which statement is below a example of wreck ?

A. Devastatehorities have closed cafes, cinemas and tourist spots, empowering the local economies.
B. John is responsible to cause a relationship to fall apart and be destroyed.
C. These differences stem ultimately from their differing conceptions of God and of His relation to the world.
D. I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity.

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ANSWER: B. John is responsible to cause a relationship to fall apart and be destroyed.

Q16. Theo is relating to deities. Which statement is below a example of Theo?

A. The center piece to the circus is the famous statue of Eros, the pagan god of love.
B. He lost his lease, so he was living with loved ones.
C. Here we meet the essential Richard Dawkins: inspirational in both his unswerving attention to rationalism and his abiding passions.
D. All these missions have been multi- sectorial and have included the wine, gourmet food, wood, engineering and agricultural sectors.

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ANSWER: A. The center piece to the circus is the famous statue of Eros, the pagan god of love.

Q17. Exodus usually means withdrawal. Which statement is below can be a example of Exodus?

A. Arrived yesterday on about 20 busses as well as a train that had originated just south of Pristina.
B. The going out or journey of the Israelites from Egypt under the conduct of Moses.
C. All apart from my friend who just stood observing the apparent comings and goings of Joe Public.
D. We live in the last days, between the first and second comings of Christ.

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ANSWER: B. The going out or journey of the Israelites from Egypt under the conduct of Moses.

Q18. Ubiquitary means one who exists everywhere. Which is the best example of Ubiquitary?

A. However, within 20 years of completion most of its passenger traffic was lost to the railways.
B. This type of nucleic acid is not stable and easily degraded by ubiquitary RNAses even under sterile conditions.
C. God is believed to be present at many places in one time.
D. Yesterday he played with the toy truck, but today we can't find it everywhere.

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ANSWER: C. God is believed to be present at many places in one time.

Q19. To enchant someone with something is to to delight someone. Which will be the best example of Enchant.

A. Most people find Marrakech's situation beautiful and completely bewitching.
B. By his performance Smith rock the crowd.
C. Omar Sharif found the story so captivate that he chose this film to make his return to the screen.
D. Even many of its prominent supporters are increasingly disenchanted.

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ANSWER: C. Omar Sharif found the story so captivate that he chose this film to make his return to the screen.

Q20. A person who does not seem very friendly is sometimes referred as Cold Fish. Which statement is below can be a best example of Cold Fish.

A. She's a lovely person, but her husband does not show his emotions.
B. Indifferent attitude of the local sheriff, the victims must take the law into their own hands.
C. She sat without a word, seemingly indifferent to my presence.
D. Sensual gratification that extends into a love of life.

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ANSWER: A. She's a lovely person, but her husband does not show his emotions.

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  • RE: Matching Definitions - Logical Reasoning -Ashwin Naik (07/19/21)
  • Q20 Ans should be B in my knowledge. Ans A is not the ans bcz it mentions Her Husband doesnt show his emotions suggest He might be Reserved or Shy (Introvert) That does nt mean Unfriendly behaviour. While Op B ; Local sheriff's behaviour is Not friendly.